From Charas Project
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Contents |
Who is he? Part 1: Why he came here.
Elementalhero76 is a young man who started on this site of Charas when he was around 18 who wanted to explore the possibility of making his own RPGs or in long form, role-playing games. His welcome at first was warm except for a few people on the site, veterans mostly, who could care more or less about the current influx of noobs at the time that don't a) have a brain or b) too immature to make sense of a forum environment. A college student just starting out in his freshman year, he has dreams of becoming a computer programmer some day.
Who is he? Part 2: The name and the origin of it all.
His real name is David Novak and he, as said above, wants to be a programmer when he is done with school. He has a very long written original story planned that gave him this nickname of the Elemental Hero or his main character's name Hirohito Ishida and EH76 is an arbitrary title which is a reverse of the title given to the character, Hero of the Elements, by his friends as "Its a rip off from Yugioh!" joke. Story aside, he is not really that obsessed with it nor does he want to be the character in any shape or form. All writers have their bad periods in the road to fame or bust.
Who is he? part 3: The future.
After experimenting with RM2k3 for a bit and leaving the forums for a year to take of good old real life, he came back with a new spark within him ready to make a game using none of these programs and starting off from scratch using what he has found on our very own resources page and help from the community. As we all know, not everything is a one man job and there is no I in teamwork. He is rarely on as the mini profile suggests. He is way to busy with life now to bother being on here 24/7 365.
He seems to be very honest and down to earth. Not easy to anger, he can be very hard to push over the edge. If angered a flame war could ensue but even then its not that serious. If sad he probably wont show it. Seeing death does not effect him nor causes remorse. So does any physical pain that is not extreme. You should try to kick him in the balls as he may not flinch. He is very open minded and speaks whatever comes to mind, though he is shy when it comes to women.
Contributions to Charas:
-Contributed 6 System2s to the Complete resources
-Submitted 6 Charasets
-Submitted 5 midis
-Submitted 1 face set.
-Contributed 1 custom Chip set to the resources
-Three edited title screens (Not submitted yet or lost)
-Edited an old abandoned member's resource many times for better use (Not submitted yet).
Other stats:
Current age: 20
Gender: Male
Birthday: 1988, 06 , 21
Demographic: White, American
Likes: Manga, Anime, RPGs, reading, writing, drawing, hot girls.
Dislikes: Politics, Smoke, Corn, Temperature Extremes.