X marks the ed

From Charas Project

Join Date March 15, 2005
Status Normal member, not very funny.
Position Nothing you'd ever want to amount to.
Birthday Month day, year.
Gender Male
Link to Profile

Ed is kind of on-off guy on Charas and does not have much to do with it other than his Avatar Wars project, which seems to be flopping. In his attempts to improve the forum, he often times messes up, making a problem much worse.


Early n00bhood

Why X_marks_the_ed joined

Ed originally joined because no one around him, not even hisfriends, seemed interested in RPG programming. In a search for other people like him, he stumbled upon Charas, which had used several times before for resource creation and gathering. He joined the forums to get to know other RPG Maker users.

First day

Ed made a very bad first impression when joining Charas by creating a second profile made for a very bad joke directed at Charaman. He has learned from that horrible mistake and wishes to forget about it, so he baleeted the thread.

Current times

Contributions to Charas

Ed has contributed a few resources for the nearly empty front-style faceset sectionofthe generator. His most recent submissions being recolors of the coat.

Ed has also designed a Wii-styled version of the forum for a dead contest. :P

Annual Edless day

It happens every year. Ed leaves for at least a week. This is when many festive events occur, including last year's mod elections. Everyone is much happier on this day than any other day!

As of now, it is day 3 of this year's week-long celebration. The purpose this year is a missing flashlight of his family.


Towards noobs

Ed has been known to join in on noob/newb bashing, but if he comes across a newb being attacked for no real reason, he will defend him/her. He has given advice to some new members to make themselves seem less noobish. An example would be when runeforger got flamed just because he took something a little too seriously. Ed was the first to actually complete part of his request.

Towards moderators

Ed is not afriad to correct a mod when he is wrong. Although no incident so far has caused this to actually show, Ed can tell when mod powers are abused. As of now, Ed has clearly expressed that he has absolutely no idea how Gemini became a mod of anything.

Towards ZeroKirbyX

ZKX is awesome. Don't question it, he just is. Okay, that's sarcasm. Ed believe ZKX is the best target for egotistical jokes for a reason, so Ed shows it. He is tired of several "I like everyone but Ed" jokes and so ZKX became his target. Even though he does not know why but most doubtedly would be that ZKX acts a bit too high-strung.

Towards Rules

Ed believes rules are what keeps chaos limited. Sure chaos would be fun and exciting, but only in cartoons, comics, online videos, and gif animations. In real life, rules keep us from killing each other over a single "your momma" insult (which only shows weakness in thought if used). Rules keep assholes out of the forum as well.

Towards those who judge

Ed believes these people need lives. 'nuff said.

New Found Truth

New Found Truth
Project Name NFT: Chapters of a Tale of Woe and Hope
Status CBS currently under construction
Features A plot involving serveral known entities and creatures, somewhat new thoughts on old beasts, Custom Battle System, ability to stick to the plot or create a new character (coming as a feature in an expansion pack), Custom Menu System, Unlockables Outside of the Game, some small Charas cameos.
Date Started Game began to take form on June 2nd, 2006. Actual game production and plot developed on August 21st, 2006.
Expected Release Date Demo: August 31st 2007, Full game: March 31st, 2008
Link to Game Thread


NFT began to take form when, bored one day, Ed designed a new map on RPG maker. He called it Ransna, the first foreign-type name he could think of. From there, stories began to emerge from the map. First was a tale of three soldiers that guarded the people of the land from wild beasts. They were known as the Sorrow, Serious, and Smiling soldiers. Then a tale of rebellion unraveled when the Serious soldier left the trio to persue power and recognition. He joined a clan known as the deck and was the champion of the Aces in the deck, giving him the name Paladin Ace, or just Ace.

Ed liked where the story went and decided it should go further. So, Ace became a villain to one of his earlier creations, Georg, a master of all three skill categories. But Ed thought that might be a bit cliched. So he decided to attempt to make the rivalry indirect. Meaning someone other than Georg had to fight Ace. But who? Then another idea of a kind of "Apprentice" to georg came to mind. Thus, Miko was born. But it was still too cliche. So then came Dirk, a kind of "apprentice" to Ace. It was then that the two would fight. But, as thought before, Ed continued to think it was too cliche, but on top of that, he began to think it was also too male dominant! So, the last skill was filled with Nemi.

Most of the main charcters were developed by then, but it took a whole week to actually fit Nemi into the plot without creating a whole new cliche, so Ed could begin to work on the current cliche problems. It was finally decided that Dirk would be somewhat dropped of his apprenticehood, but not completely. Ed thought it may be unique to have Dirk actually regret what he does. This turned Dirk into an ally of Nemi and Miko.

I see a head!

From there, the plot began to develop. Georg still needed a past with Ace, so Ed took his last creation's beginning and pasted Ace as the villain. This gave Ace the fact that he killed Georg's grandfather. Then Ed decided that Georg's grandfather should be one of the three soldiers. Then Ed went to bed. A miracle occured and Ed dreamed upthe perfect plot for it. This goes all the way to current. Georg killed Ace in the past and Ace is back for revenge. But in order for it to work, Ace had to be reencarnated. Ace was then given the fact that he is indeed a summon. Then, like a puzzle, it was given that he was summoned by a kidnapper that used Dirk's girlfriend for the summoning. Dirk was then explained of his emo/gothic look.

From there, just Miko and Nemi needed a plot. Seeing as how it was close to the end of the year, Miko was given the fact that his school was letting out. But the Ransna Ed had didn't

(to be finished later)

Trivia, yay!

•Ed changes his avatar just about every week.

•Ed is known for absolutely nothing.

•Ed's original avatar was that of the priest in the RM2k RTP faceset.

•Ed did not move on in the mod elections for lack of faith despite having a signature depicting his chicken head with two thumbs up and "Ed for mod"

•Ed is not an article of clothing.

•X_marks_the_ed actually did not derive from Ed, Edd, and Eddy. X_marks_the_ed is a derivitive of x marks the spot and Edward Omin, his alter ego.

•Ed still has an empty bottle of maple syrup in the awesome points game, despite A Forgotten Legend taking it.

•Ed used to post in the Charas Pub until Meiscool and Drace told him he was never funny.

•Ed was the first to use a plot in Avatar Wars.

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