Epic-1 Wrestling

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EPIC-1 Wrestling
Acronym E1
Established 2009
Style Athletic and technical wrestling
Format Backyard wrestling
Wrestling base Base
Location Louisville, Kentucky
External links YouTube Channel

Epic-1 Wrestling (E1) or (E1W or EPIC-1) is a backyard wrestling federation located in Louisville, Kentucky which was formed by co-founders Joe Randa and Max Vender in spring 2009. The origin of Epic-1 follows the demise of Championship Wrestling Association (CWA), featuring many of the wrestlers who performed in that federation with the addition of newer talent. E1 takes to a wide base that has been critiqued as one of the best bases.





In the controversial demise of Championship Wrestling Association (CWA), belief was such that wrestlers would bring their backyard wrestling tenures to an end as well. However, it was announced E1 Wrestling was the next venture, as in April 2009, E1 premiered as a new extension off of the defunct CWA, co-founded by Joe Randa and Max Vender, two of whom had done so with CWA.

Federation festivities take to a wide ring-sized blue base critiqued as "one of the best build bases" and debuted pushing forward their first show presented as a small supercard entitled Premiere, on which featured two matches culminating with the E1 Championship contested in a Fatal Four Way inaugurally crowning a victorious Kamikaze.

E1 posts full-length matches on YouTube account cwarandamizer (same account of CWA), and also packages a few recapped events taking format as a music video. E1 quickly adopted program -- Tuesday Night Ignition (though the show is factually recorded in the daytime) to serve as their by-week show. An intro created for the show exhibits few action snippets from Round Lake Syndicate Wrestling, where former CWA wrestlers had performed.


E1 Heavyweight Champion | The Prodigy | June 29, 2009 | E1 Rise of the Avenged

E1 Hybrid Champion | CJ Cross | June 30, 2009 | E1 Tuesday Night Ignition Week 5

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