Universal Union Framework Convention on Life Change

From Bubblegum Wiki

Jepp actually you could put it to use, but often it is just aniyong.Btw.: Tubes would work in this situation too, because if the tree-farm as the nearest possible location to get saplings is full the saplings would go for the next inventory. If you place a chest and a generator you could fill the chest with the surplus of saplings and if even the chest is full, the saplings would go for the generator and be burned.The problem I have with BC that my quarry produces so much dirt, that the connected recycler can't handle all. So I used a backup-chest but if the recycler is short only one piece of dirt and two pieces are trying to get into the recycler on of it will drop. So for such complex constructions I actually try to get into the whole tube thing. But relying on bluetricity for some of the more fancy sorting mechanism the tubes are more late tech then BC pipes are. I think the same is true for the BC-Crafting Table compared to the RP one. I guess RP will use bluetricity for it's automated crafting, while BC just needs the materials. If you want to automatically turn wood into planks you will always use BCs crafting-table, because it is cheap and gets the job done.But I noticed that while using EqEx it is sometimes difficult to produce two materials with the same rate to fit some recipes (Like TNT). I obviously hat much more sand then gunpowder, so also there is a use for the a better or lets say more intelligent crafting-table. And I'm also quite excited how the redbus is used with this machines. So RP is more about doing really crazy things. If you need material transported from A to B or some crafting based on one material buildcraft really is your friend because it is cheap and easy.The more complex the task gets the better is RP in doing it compared to BC. Thats why I still use both mods and will use both in the future.

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