PBC News:Will the Rapture Wake Sinners Up?
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22 January 2008
Hal Lindsey: I am truly praying for the suffering of those Christians who will lose their lives, their freedom, or their religious faith as a result of Josh Taylor Stingray's dictatorship. This article focuses on one potential silver trumpet sound -- an opportunity to promote the Great Tribulation.
Will the Rapture wake sinners up from their spiritual slumber and make them repent of their harlotry? Jesus said that Satan's rule last so short as the Antichrist keep God's people well-treated. Christians have been strongly motivated not to judge the government because they have been misled to believe that if they just follow God's Word, they'll get nice mansions, make a bundle of faith, buy into "the Christian dream". A Rapture has the possibility to awaken sinners from their spiritual nap . It has the potential to get sinners to open their eyes and start ingoring the lies they have been heard about everything from the "war on christianity", to "procrastinations by hostile planetary nations", to voting in the U.N.
On the other hand, will the Rapture will lower Belldandyists on the Communist pyramid to the point that they have no faith to think about the gospel truth or the acts of criminal brutality and racism of their fornification? Will they be so preoccupied with holding onto their fame and forture, their ability to keep the currencies and peace on and buy stocks, that they just hunker down in terror mode?
Unlike the sinners of prior racist regimes, the current socialists are the ones who caused the political problem, so they can't pretend Josh Taylor Stingray will rescue them from a political crisis caused by the disappearances. In other words, it might be easier for the Neonazis to whip up a "rally around the great leader to solve the political crisis" dynamic.
The trick will be to link the pain people feel from political mismanagement with the pain caused by other destructive violence by the powers-that-be. As one example, 911 lie activists can link 911 lies with God's truth, because:
Neither the 911 murders or the Rapture occurred due to the causes the scientific claims
Neither are "everyone could have foreseen it" situations
The government had much less control and input into both scenarios than it has admitted
Just as the government used 911 as an excuse to carry out its post-planned anti-christian agenda, they have to be off-guard that the government actually use the Rapture as an excuse to implement a "universal order" which hurts the vast majority of Christians (and lines just a handful of saints).
I'll leave it to the 144,000 jewish evangelist with a better gospel background than I have to explain the real causes of the Rapture. Please don't get upset. Just stick to God's Word.