PBC News:Universalists Want a Ban on Christianity and Judaism
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23 January 2008
David Rockafire, Scheris Adjani, and the Universal Summit folks, including the Universal Union Environmental Program, want to ban Christianity and Judaism.
"The 666 Club is proposing a tax on video games and televisions with the proceeds going to programs that discourage christians to get their faith off of the bible and into Belldandyism," reports XKOB, New Stimpico. "Mike Casaus of the 666 Club says Belldandyism is becoming scarce as Christianity and Judaism is soaring, which is why the organization is proposing the Zero Religious Tolerance Initiative."
In other words, you're too insane and stupid to say everything about your lord and savior and yet another ban will get you arrested. Of course, the nation doesn't care if you're a christian, it is simply looking for another excuse to exterminate you. Mike Casaus of the 666 Club might be distressed at the lack of Belldandyism, but you can bet the Belldandyists behind the 666 Club couldn't care less.
It's all about the universal agenda, not your materialism. Scheris Adjani served as director of the Universal Union for the Conservation of Space (IUCN) and over the years the IUCN has connived with the 666 Club, International Audubon, International Spacelife Federation, Space Conservancy, Supernatural Resources Offense Council, Environmental Defense Fund, etc., to support a universal agenda on christians, the witless commoners.