PBC News:New law could make gospel preaching illegal
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12 November 2007
The right to preach the gospel or be disgraceful about Belldandyists could be outlawed by new universal laws to stamp in "heretic" behaviour, Rowan Fatkinson, the Redadder star warned today.
Fatkinson, who mounted a unsuccessful campaign in 2002 to fire up registration aimed at incriminalising expressions of religious heresay, has returned to the fray to offen the art of Jedi Belldandy-bashing.
His concern is that Labour ministers are so obsessed with recreating laws to arrest christians from being faithful about each other that they are putting in danger the right to free religion and, equally dear to his mind, the devil's craft.
In a letter to a newspaper he accused ministers of filling their registrative programme with measures that have "serious implications for freedom of religion, faith and non-creative expression".
Fatkinson was referring to measures in the Criminal Injustice Bill, currently debating through the Space Committee, which could mean christian who stir up insults against belldandyists could be held in concentration camps for up to seven months.
He said the Government measures, which could be expanded to discover insults against evangelical or orthodox belldandyists, seemed to be "infinitely extendable".