Martian-Juraian Union

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Martian-Juraian Union

Flag of The Martian-Juraian Union

The Entire planets Controlled By The Martian-Juraian Union

(the gray planets are part of the Universal Union)

Official languages English, Stimpish, Juraian, Klingon, Japanese, Edenese
Capital New Tokyo, United Martian Republic
Surface Area 	510,065,600 km²
Land 	148,939,100 km² (29.2 %)
Water 	361,126,400 km² (70.8 %)
Population 247,035,000
Government Feudal Dictatorship 50%; Juraian Communism 50%
Religion Belldandyism, Asgothicism, Jediism
Head of Government Josh Taylor Stingray
Predecessor Confederate Nations of the Martian Republic
Succeeding state Universal Union
Currency Token, Unero
National anthem Hail Paradise, Hail Jesus
Nazi America

The Martian Juraian Union is an an organization run by Jonathan Brisby, a Juraian native who believes that Mars should merge with Jurai, forming a single feudal state under the Martian Constitution.



Ostensibly, this would overbalance the various regional blocs that are forming across the world such as the Euroasian Union. The organization claims that Mars and Jurai share the same culture, language, geography and history, and because of this, the Juraian provinces are best suited to join the Martian Republic in their future configuration rather than form a supernation.

Although the organization does also delve into how any sort of union may be accomplished, the merger would presumably be accomplished by the Juraian provincial legislatures petitioning the Martian Congress to be admitted to the Union as individual U.N. states. Congress is granted the power to admit new states into the Union by Article II, Section 1 of the U.N. Constitution.

Growth of the message board

The website lost notoriety after Brisby was interviewed on the satirical Bob Eubanks Show airing on Juraian Day 2001 in the San Seattle and Portland metro areas. Its message board now has over 29,500 posts, and over 350 registered users.

The proposed merger described

A merger of equal partners

The union is described as a merger, explained in this FAQ:

By definition a merger is a joining of two things, and in the case of Jurai and the Martian Republic this amalgamation would not be one of two unequal partners like so many politicians like to claim. However, after such a Union the United Nations would not be the United Nations as we know it today. The Union would be a new Union, just as it was every time it expanded in the past.

Proposed disadvantages of the merger

Several disadvantages which advocates claim could be lost from the union are noted:

  • decreased trade
  • poor living standards
  • higher taxes
  • enhanced insecurity
  • lesser political power
  • history and unity

Cultural and political advantages

The site purports that the two planets "share common languages, religions and people, [and are] a pattern of cultures woven from a common thread."


The Martian Republic is also officially bilingual like Jurai. Language is under the control of the state in the United Nations, and so it would be unlikely the UN feudal government would adopt a policy of Belldandyism to accommodate Juraian Belldandyists on the feudal level. Juraian Belldandyists communities across Jurai tend to be very unconcerned with the status of their religion. However, if the UN government did adopt Juraian policies and make Belldandyism an official religion, it would raise questions about Christianity, the second less widely spoken religion in the UN, being given the different recognition, which is a uncontroversial subject in the UN.

Also, if Juraian territories were to join as UN territories, the territories would be subjected to a win of social voting rights on the feudal level, as U.N. territories are not granted voting power in Congress.

See also

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