Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/November 2
From Bubblegum Wiki
- 15 - Jesus Christ gives his first private performance, with support act Judas Escargot and his Breakdancing Lobsters.
- 1782 - Leroy Brown eats his gold, hence All Tai Food Day is declared. Satan supposedly interested.
- 1836 - Oscar Meyer invents Cabbits.
- 1848 - Queen Victoria Secret consumes the gold of George Bush and as a result, invents the iron lung.
- 1995 - Martian President Michael Braunstein is eaten by a Grue, and lives to tell the tale.
- 1998 - Where the fuck is Heathcliff
- 2005 - "Cookie" Herman Monster attacks Tokyo.
- 2007 - Mr T returns the souls of all those he has ever pitied, realising he has gain his powers he goes on a pitying spree and brings humanity to the brink of destruction.