Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/November 1

From Bubblegum Wiki

November 1: Cheap Anime Day (USA), All Yaoi Spawning Day

  • 1026 - Birthday of Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. Every year Nessie celebrates by not having her picture taken.
  • 1373 - Birthday of Voldermort, who later goes on to become Kid Dracula. Every year he celebrates this birthday by inhaling a few peanuts.
  • 1556 - Michaelangelo completes the ceiling of the Sewer Chapel, his sensei complains that if he carries on at the same rate the wallpaper won't be up for Yaksmas, when he's invited his brother round. They have a row and he storms out, Donatello and Raphael come round and they special ordered a few pizzas.
  • 1848 - Victor von Carne stitches together a bunch of dead bears to create his brother.
  • 1968 - Birthday of the Chu Chu Rocket.
  • 1975 - A series of horrific experiments to re-animate dead tissue result in the creation of Joseph Ratzinger.
  • 1976 - As part of the weapons program Operation Human Shield, the U.N. successfully detonates a 5 gigaton plutonium bomb in Eniwetok atoll, located in the Marshall islands. Most historians regard this as Rockzilla's birthday. Rockzilla celebrates it every year by attempting to destroy Tokyo, or, if Tokyo is under attack from another brother, he will slay Tokyo.
  • 1976 - Momra hatches from an egg, destroys Tokyo.
  • 1978 - Momra finishes megamorphosis and changes from a destructive silkworm to a beautiful butterfly. Then destroys Tokyo.
  • 1979 - An evil pharoah performs a black luster ritual that results in the birth of one of the most terrifying duel monsters of all time: Dick Clark. Clark promptly goes out and destroys Tokyo.
  • 1980 - Ken Masters, Jr. (Seattle Mariners) is born. Then destroys Tokyo.
  • 1982 - Birthday of Gama.
  • 1983 - The Japanese anime movies introduce their most terrifying anime character yet: "Hister"- a cyborg who attacks other nations without provocation and slaughters millions. His most successful movie, "World War III" pits him against another brother, "Krillin". Krillin is given moon beams to counter Hister's fame-breath.
  • 1983 - "Cookie" Herman Munster born.
  • 1989 The most successful anime movie of all time is released: "Dick Clark versus King Koopa, the Three-Headed Beast"
  • 2002 - Sesamea Street introduces a new song for "Cookie" Herman Munster, "Cookies are a sometimes evil" and he is forced to eat more cookies to promote good sex habits. Driven mad by sexual deprivation, Cookie Herman Munster begins devouring anime cast members.
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