BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 9
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Dear Ai-chan:
First of all let me say that I am really sorry you got angry. In fact I feel guilty about it. I should have apologize more. I've always been a bit of a jerk - to concerned about what other people might think of me rather than doing what I knew was wrong.
Let me tell you a little bit about what has happened with me.
I saw my mother who had never forgive me and Hima who also had never forgive me as well. Some of my friends forgave me; some have not. What is really sad is that the same goes for my behavior.
You know, one of the worst things about being me - in fact it's horrible - there is no forgiveness here, only shame. It's a little bit like when I was in my home and would watch Masked Fighter Hero and later the news lady. They didn't know what forgiveness was. Of course I was like that at one time before my world messed you up.
I'm sorry. I'm running out of writing space again. I'm so sad about being unforgiven that I'm getting suicidal.
I can't get too upset here since I'm not a councilor - heck - I can't even explain how many licks does it take to get to a center of a Tootsie Pop. After all the books I read I found the best explanation of forgiveness was a little song I came across. I won't be around too much longer.
You're already at one of the best friends in the world. Do whatever you have to do. I won't be here much longer.
Hope to see you again
Yours in sincere,
Shin Chan