Announcement from the Central Bureacracy

From Bubblegum Wiki

Note: Don’t look at this as good-riddance, or Time to stop believing in an imaginary god and start thinking for yourselves! We are going to be sued by the Federal Government if any Christian sites based on God's Word and fan sites is violating any kind of copyright then that’s it!!!! Any fan site can fall at any time at the decree of the fuhrer Adolf Obama.

Federal Lawsuit will definitely be able to garnish my disability money since if the Protect IP Act also known as S.968 bill passes the senate then this will be the last you will see or hear of Brian D. Hill of USWGO. This will be the end of DeviantArt, and many fan sites on the Internet.

If We The People let this bad bill pass then this will be the end of truth sites, the end of DeviantArt stuff and Christian sites, and the end of the Oath Keepers forum.

This is not fear mongering, this is persecution we are facing since most can’t afford constant federal lawsuits and ISPs silencing God's word over one biblical verse from any christian site including CBN or even uploading a fan art on DeviantArt.

As I said that if since bill passes we are hiding in the woods. This bill means the silence of God's word due to the Federal Government being able to sue us and garnish my disability. I don’t share pirated software nor pirated music on my website but that won’t matter because copyright law applies to everything including biblical verses and fan stuff.

Now that the Protect IP Act passes you will never hear the Gospel of Jesus again and you will see many fan stuff disappear. I’ll even have to disappear off to the wilderness, and you may even see DeviantArt, Wikipedia, CBN, MediaMiner, Fanfiction Net, and Saturday Morning Sonic disappear if Obama launches a Federal Lawsuit against them and gets all American ISPs to stifle God's Word.

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