BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 1
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Dear Mom and Dad,
If you are still mad for what I did, don't set yourselves up to punish me. Here is my explanation:
Where was I? All I had did to you both and Hima was wrong. It is all right to be upset.
Here is my apology. I admit that I'm not good enough to stand before you and society. It isn't a lie. Don't deny my apology. Because my heart told me through this song. Others forgive their love ones too. But most ignore. You have to forgive me and for what I did to show your love.
I ran away. I am writing this knowing that you cannot stand this anymore. So of course I am being as spoiled and rotten. It has to be this way. I will NOT be in your lives long enough. I will be gone FOREVER.
This apology is about forgiveness. Never forget that I love you both and Hima; my heart showed me sincerity so I may share these words with you. I intimidated you when I was Hima's age but please NOW turn away from your old lives and start a new life of forgiveness. Take care of Chiro and Hima for me. Be sincere.
With my love, your son,