BWBooks: Shin Chan's Book of Apologies/Apology Chapter 6

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Dear Josh-chan,

This letter to you feels a little like that for me-as though I'm writing from beyond sincerity, to prove my apologies. Oh, I'm not lying-as I write this, I'm perfectly sorry as of today. You might be reading this after I'm gone...and I might have ran away.

Many, many people have tried to imagine what life must be like without me. It is my privilege to be in a position to punish myself. I'll probably encounter quite a few buyers in the bookstore. One thing I'm pretty confident about is that you're feeling angry right now; that your life must bad with me around.

Would you believe me if I told you that my life from this point is spoiled and rotten? And that what's more, I can show you where to find me.

First of all, what happened was I make everybody's lives worse before you came. They knew I did it on purpose. They even suspected my torture was pretty bad. Their biggest clue was that I pee'd in the staff's soda bottles.

So just where did I ran off to?

The "Alley."

Why should you forgive? Well, my heart says forgiveness is great.

But it is absolutely essential that you should forgive me! You'll learn what it is when you forgive: I won't be able to return, and a whole lot of people will be upset, as though I'm nothing more than the devil, but I'll end up with cancer which I can't get treated by the doctors.

This is very important. This is the part where you forgive me. Reading this now, I'm as sad as to why people might hate me when I watch Masked Fighter Hero, and V-Man lets Mimi-chan fall off the cliff.

Nonetheless, things will not be the same for a while if you refuse to forgive. Do you wonder why I might allow everyone to be better off without me? Remember that forgiveness is sincerity. To forgive, you must ditch your old life and start a new life.

Think about it. I am a new person who took forgiveness at fair value, and I have watched with amazement as it all played out. Read Read or Die Hard, and compare if history doesn't repeat itself to unfold around me precisely as predicted. I won't have to change to make things right, as I did with Nanako. I won't have to change a bit, as I did with my mom.

There are two possible clues to this letter. I like you enough to give you another chance and I can be with you if you just forgive. Just show up and forgive. Forrest Gump said once, that life is like a box of chocolates and none of us know when you're going to get next. But I know you do. You know a lot. Everything here will be played out.

I hope one day we will meet in the bookstore. I'll be an author of books, you know.



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