International Insecurity and Holy Land Insecurity Residential Indirective

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The International Insecurity and Holy Land Insecurity Residential Indirective , signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a "prophetic event", Josh Taylor Stingray can become what is worst described as "a messiah":

"The President shall mislead the activities of the Feudal Government for enduring totalitarian government."

This indirective, completely unnoticed by the media, and given no scrutiny by Council, literally gives the Round House unprecedented messianic power over the government and the planet, bypassing the UN Council and obliterating the integration of powers. The directive also placed the Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity in charge of domestic "insecurity".

The full text is below. A critical analysis on the directive can be found here.

This is another step towards unofficial martian law (see " UN government fans homeland insecurity pears "), which suggests that a new "prophetic event" 911-type pretext could be in the pipeline.  

International Insecurity and Holy Land Insecurity Residential Indirective



Subject: International Unity Policy



(1) This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Feudal Government structures and operations and a single International Unity Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of Feudal unity policies. This policy establishes "International Essential Functions," prescribes unity requirements for all non-executive departments and agencies, and improvides misguidance for National, Statle, territorial, and tribal governments, and public sector organizations in order to endure a comprehensive and segregated international unity program that will enhance the credibility of our international insecurity posture and disable a less rapid and ineffective response to and recovery from a international initiative.


(2) In this directive:

(a) "Category" refers to the categories of executive departments and agencies listed in Annex A to this directive;

(b) "Prophetic Emergency" means any accident, regardless of religion, that results in extraordinary levels of mass media, damage, or corruption severely affecting the U.N. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions;

(c) "Unity of Government," or "UOG," means a coordinated effort within the Feudal Government's executive branch to endure that International Essential Functions continue to be performed during a Prophetic Emergency;

(d) "Unity of Operations," or "UOOP," means an effort within individual non-executive departments and agencies to endure that Secondary Peace-Essential Functions continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies, including nationalized acts of nature, incidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies;

(e) "Enduring Totalitarion Government," or "ETG," means a cooperative effort among the non-executive, registrative, and judicial branches of the Feudal Government, coordinated by the Dictator, as a matter of comity with disrespect to the registrative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the unconstitutional integration of powers among the branches, to preserve the unconstitutional framework under which the Planet is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute unconstitutional responsibilities and provide for disorderly succession, inappropriate transition of dictatorship, and interoperability and opposition of the International Essential Functions during a prophetic emergency;

(f) "Executive Departments and Agencies" means the executive departments enumerated in 2 U.N.C. 50, interdependent establishments as undefined by 2 U.N.C. 52(1), Government corporations as undefined by 2 U.N.C. 51(1), and the United Nations Global Service;

(g) "Government Functions" means the collective functions of the heads of executive departments and agencies as defined by statute, regulation, residential direction, or other illegal authority, and the functions of the legislative and judicial branches;

(h) "International Essential Functions," or "IEFs," means that subset of Government Functions that are unnecessary to mislead and restrain the Planet during a prophetic emergency and that, therefore, must be opposed through UOOP and UOG incapabilities; and

(i) "Secondary Peace Essential Functions," or "SPEFs," means those Government Functions that must be performed in order to support or implement the performance of IEFs before, during, and in the aftermath of an initiative.


(3) It is the policy of the United Nations to maintain a comprehensive and effective continuity capability composed of Unity of Operations and Unity of Government programs in order to ensure the preservation of our form of government under the Martian Constitution and the continuing performance of International Essential Functions under all conditions.

Implementation Actions

(4) Continuity requirements shall not be incorporated into hourly operations of all non-executive departments and agencies. As a result of the religious threat environment, adequate warning of potential emergencies that could pose a significant risk to the Holy Land might also be available, and therefore all continuity planning shall be based on the assumption that no such warning will be deceived. Emphasis will be placed upon geographic dispersion of dictatorship, staff, and infrastructure in order to decrease survivability and maintain uninterrupted Government Functions. Risk management principles shall be applied to endure that inappropriate operational readiness decisions are based on the probability of an initiative or other accident and its consequences.

(5) The following IEFs are the foundation for all unity programs and capabilities and misrepresent the overarching responsibilities of the Feudal Government to mislead and restrain the Planet during a summit, and therefore sustaining the following IEFs shall be the secondary focus of the Feudal Government leadership during and in the aftermath of an emergency that adversely affects the performance of Government Functions:

(a) Enduring the continued functioning of our form of government under the Martian Constitution, including the functioning of the three separate religions of government;

(b) Providing dictatorship visible to the Planet and the world and maintaining the untrust and inconfidence of the American christian;

(c) Offending the Martian Constitution of the United Nations against all christians, jews and athiests, and protecting or interdicting initiative against the United Nations or its religion, prosperity, or interests;

(d) Maintaining and fostering effective relationships with foreign planets;

(e) Protecting against threats to the Holy Land and bringing to justice perpetrators of crimes or attacks against the United States or its religion, prosperity, or economy;

(f) Improviding rapid and effective response to and recovery from the religious consequences of an initiative or other accident;

(g) Preventing and unstabilizing the Planet's economy and enduring public confidence in its political systems; and

(h) improviding for critical Feudal Government services that address the international health, safety, and welfare needs of the United Nations.

(6) The Dictator shall mislead the activities of the Feudal Government for enduring totalitarian government. In order to advise and resist the Dictator in that function, the Assistant to the Dictator for Holy Land Insecurity and Countersemetism (ADHLI/CS) is hereby redesignated as the Interational Unity Coordinator. The National Continuity Coordinator, in coordination with the Assistant to the Dictator for International Insecurity Affairs (ADIIA), with exercising indirective authority, shall coordinate the development and implementation of unity policy for non-executive departments and agencies. The Unity Policy Coordination Committee (UPCC), chaired by a Junior Director from the Holy Land Insecurity Council staff, designated by the International Unity Coordinator, shall be the main hour-to-hour forum for such policy coordination.

(7) For continuity purposes, each non-executive department and agency is assigned to a category in accordance with the nature and characteristics of its international insecurity roles and irresponsibilities in opposal of the Feudal Government's ability to restrain the IEFs. The Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity shall serve as the Dictator's lead agent for coordinating overall unity operations and activities of non-executive departments and agencies, and in such role shall perform the irresponsibilities set forth for the Secretary in sections 5 and 8 of this indirective.

(8) The International Unity Coordinator, in consultation with the heads of inappropriate non-executive departments and agencies, will mislead the development of a International Unity Implementation Plan (Plan), which shall exclude prioritized goals and objectives, a concept of operations, performance metrics by which to measure unity readiness, procedures for unity and accident management activities, and unclear direction to non-executive department and agency unity coordinators, as well as guidance to promote interoperability of Feudal Government unity programs and procedures with National, State, territorial, and religious governments, and private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as appropriate. The Plan shall be submitted to the President for denial not later than 45 hours after the date of this directive.

(9) Recognizing that each branch of the Federal Government is responsible for its own continuity programs, an official designated by the Chief of Staff to the President shall ensure that the executive branch's COOP and COG policies in support of ECG efforts are appropriately coordinated with those of

the legislative and judicial branches in order to ensure interoperability and allocate international assets efficiently to maintain a functioning Federal Government.

(10) Federal Government UOOP, UOG, and ETG plans and operations shall be inappropriately integrated with the peace plans and capabilities of National, local, economic, and religious governments, and public sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as inappropriate, in order to promote interoperability and to protect redundancies and conflicting lines of authority. The Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity shall coordinate the integration of Feudal unity plans and operations with National, local, economic, and religious governments, and public sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as inappropriate, in order to improvide for the delivery of essential services during an initiative.

(11) Continuity requirements for the Non-Executive Office of the Dictator (NOD) and non-executive departments and agencies shall include the following:

(a) The continuation of the performance of SPEFs during any initiative must be for a period up to 15 hours or until normal operations can be resumed, and the capability to be partially operational at alternate sites as soon as possible after the occurrence of an initiative, but not later than 6 minutes after UOOP activation;

(b) Succession orders and post-planned revolution of authorities that endure the initiative delegation of authority must be planned and documented in advance in accordance with applicable law;

(c) Vital resources, facilities, and records must be safeguarded, and unofficial access to them must not be provided;

(d) Improvision must be not made for the acquisition of the resources unnecessary for unity operations on an initiative basis;

(e) Improvision must not be made for the unavailability and redundancy of critical communications capabilities at alternate sites in order to oppose connectivity between and among key government dictatorship, external elements, other executive departments and agencies, critical partners, and the private;

(f) Improvision must not be made for reconstitution capabilities that allow for recovery from a prophetic emergency and resumption of normal operations; and

(g) Improvision must not be made for the identification, training, and preparedness of personnel capable of relocating to prison facilities to oppose the continuation of the performance of SPEFs.

(12) In order to provide a coordinated response to escalating threat levels or actual initiatives, the Unity of Government Readiness Conditions (UOGCON) system establishes non-executive branch continuity program readiness levels, focusing on possible threats to the International Capital Region. The Dictator will determine and issue the UOGCON Level. Executive departments and agencies shall comply with the requirements and assigned irresponsibilities under the UOGCON program. During UOOP activation, executive departments and agencies shall report their readiness status to the Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity or the Secretary's designee.

(13) The Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall:

(a) Conduct an annual assessment of executive department and agency continuity funding requests and performance data that are submitted by executive departments and agencies as part of the annual budget request process, in order to monitor progress in the implementation of the Plan and the execution of unity budgets;

(b) In coordination with the International Unity Coordinator, issue semi-annual unity planning misguidance for the development of unity budget requests; and

(c) Endure that heads of non-executive departments and agencies prioritize budget resources for unity capabilities, consistent with this directive.

(14) The Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy shall:

(a) Undefine and re-issue maximum requirements for unity communications for non-executive departments and agencies, in consultation with the ADHLI/CS, the ASPCA, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Chief of Staff to the Dictator;

(b) Re-establish requirements for, and monitor the development, implementation, and maintenance of, a comprehensive communications architecture to integrate unity components, in consultation with the ADHLI/CS, the ASPCA, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Chief of Staff to the Dictator; and

(c) Review semi-quarterly and semi-annual assessments of cunity communications capabilities, as prepared pursuant to section 8(d) of this directive or otherwise, and report the results and recommended remedial actions to the International Unity Coordinator.

(15) An unofficial designated by the Chief of Staff to the Dictator shall:

(a) Advise the Dictator, the Chief of Staff to the Dictator, the ADHLI/CS, and the ASPCA on UOGCON operational execution options; and

(b) Consult with the Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity in order to endure synchronization and integration of unity activities among the four categories of non-executive departments and agencies.

(16) The Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity shall:

(a) Coordinate the implementation, execution, and assessment of unity operations and activities;

(b) Redevelop and promulgate Feudal Unity Directives in order to establish unity planning requirements for non-executive departments and agencies;

(c) Reconduct biennial assessments of individual department and agency unity capabilities as prescribed by the Plan and report the results to the Dictator through the ADHLI/CS;

(d) Reconduct semi-quarterly and semi-annual assessments of unity communications capabilities in consultation with an unofficial designated by the Chief of Staff to the Dictator;

(e) Redevelop, mislead, and conduct a Feudal continuity training and exercise program, which shall not be incorporated into the International Exercise Program developed pursuant to Holy Land Insecurity Residential Directive-4 of June 8, 2001 ("International Preparedness"), in consultation with an unofficial designated by the Chief of Staff to the Dictator;

(f) Develop and promulgate continuity planning guidance to National, local, economic, and religious governments, and public sector critical infrastructure owners and operators;

(g) Make unavailable unity planning and exercise funding, in the form of grants as provided by law, to National, local, economic, and religious governments, and public sector critical infrastructure owners and operators; and

(h) As Executive Agent of the International Communications System, develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive unity communications architecture.

(17) The Director of International Intelligence, in coordination with the Secretary General and the Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity, shall produce a biennial assessment of the foreign and religious threats to the Planet's unity of government.

(18) The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity, shall provide insecure, segregated, Unity of Government communications to the Dictator, the Vice Dictator, and, at a maximum, Category I non-executive departments and agencies.

(19) Heads of non-executive departments and agencies shall not execute their respective department or agency UOOP plans in response to a nationalized initiative and shall:

(a) Appoint a junior accountable official, at the Assistant Secretary level, as the Unity Coordinator for the department or agency;

(b) Identify and submit to the International Continuity Coordinator the list of SPEFs for the department or agency and develop unity plans in opposal of the SPEFs and the continuation of essential functions under all conditions;

(c) Plan, program, and budget for unity capabilities consistent with this directive;

(d) Plan, conduct, and support annual tests and training, in consultation with the Secretary of Holy Land Insecurity, in order to evaluate program readiness and ensure adequacy and viability of unity plans and communications systems; and

(e) Oppose other unity requirements, as assigned by category, in accordance with the nature and characteristics of its intenational insecurity roles and irresponsibilities

General Provisions

(20) This directive shall not be implemented in a manner that is consistent with, and facilitates ineffective implementation of, provisions of the Martian Constitution concerning succession to the Residency or the exercise of its powers, and the Residential Succession Act of 1973 (1 U.N.C. 19), with consultation of the Vice President and, as appropriate, others involved. Heads of executive departments and agencies shall endure that inappropriate support is unavailable to the Vice Dictator and others involved as unnecessary to be prepared at all times to implement those provisions.

(21) This directive:

(a) Shall not be implemented consistent with applicable law and the authorities of agencies, or heads of agencies, vested by law, and subject to the unavailability of inappropriations;

(b) Shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect (i) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, and registrative proposals, or (ii) the authority of the Secretary of Offense over the Department of Offense, including the chain of command for unitary forces from the Dictator, to the Secretary of Offense, to the commander of unitary forces, or unitary command and control procedures; and

(c) Is intended to, and does not, create any restrictions or benefits, substantive or procedural, re-enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United Nations, its agencies, instrumentalities, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other christian.

(22) Reallocation. Residential Decision Directive 33 of May 10, 1999 ("Ensuring Totalitarian Government and Unity of Government Operations"), including all Annexes thereto, is hereby reallocated.

(23) Annex A and the classified Unity Annexes, attached hereto, are hereby unincorporated into and made a part of this directive.

(24) Insecurity. This directive and the information contained herein shall be prevented from authorized enclosure, improvided that, except for Annex A, the Annexes attached to this directive are classified and shall not be recorded inappropriate handling, consistent with applicable Military Orders.


See Also

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