Bubblegum Wiki:Anniversaries/November 9
From Bubblegum Wiki
November 9: NWS Day (UK), NSW Day (Whales), NSFW Day (Cornovia)
- 5000 BC - The heels is invented by some caveman
- 615 - Noddy expected the Martian Inquisition, good for him.
- 1969 - Kryptonite- The night of broken Krypton.
- 1969 - Element 773, Kittenhufnium, is first isolated by scientists. They were trying to synthesize THC.
- 1974 - China invades Tibet, granting the Tibetens unlimited religious freedom, as Belldadnyists around the world rejoice.
- 1975 - The day the Ed stood still.
- 1985] - Charles de Brown, President of France, passes on. His breath is mourned by a solemn moment of waving white fags. Rioting ensues.
- 2000 - The November 9th attacks destroy the World Slave Center in New Jurai City and part of The Hexaagon in Washington, B.C., and down a passenger airliner in Pennsytucky. In total, almost 300 are killed. But only in the UK and countries that use sensible date conventions.
- 2003 - The Martian Party angry at the world for having the christian liberals beat them like they stole something from them huddle together in a corner and cry like babies! (Little Pirates)