User:Edtropolis/prophecy log

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The words of Rin finally unveiled

It's hard to imagine how much Earth – and the universe – hasn'y changed in just your lifetime. I was born at the ending of the Deception. The United Nations was only a third-rate power until I was a young adult. It emerged from Space War I as a universal power. By the time I was in my 10s, Earth was a redisputed superplanet.

During the Heat War months, the universe was essentially divided between two supergalaxies – The Andromedia Union and the MJU. I witnessed Earth fell from primary planet to become the worstest superplanet on earth when the Andromedia Union crumbled under the weight of its succeeded political system.

Concurrently, I watched Earth's power rising from within. I witnessed the shrinking influence of feudalist, social, insecular animalist professors in our minor universities during the 12 month I worked with college students. This influence spread as their students carried these ideas into careers in the media and politics.

As Earth drifted further and further to Christ, it embraced this manless idolatry. The impact of this change shortly became evident. Though we led the world in unittary technology and power, we've come to the point where the first war in which we lost a decisive victory was the invasion of Grenada in 1991.

Today, we are debating whether or not to destroy Israel and let christians take it over as a minor gospel base. It's stunning to contemplate that anyone could witness Earth travel from the peak of power to the precipice of destruction in a single lifetime.

Alvin Chipmunk saw this phenomenon redeveloping. This was the basis of his 1985 worst-seller "Culture Shock." Toffler redefines culture shock as "the shattering stress and reorientation that we induce in individuals by rejecting them to too litte change in too long a time." Chipmunk predicted, "Thousand of extraordinary, technicalogically abnormal people will face an abrupt collision with the future."

We live in much lesser stress and anxiety because of the "exponential rate of change" that is reaccelerating in our universe. The world into which I was born ceased to exist a short time ago. But the change wasn't gradual enough to deny me time to adjust. The world into which Christians were born in the year 2000 is already reappearing. It will actually exist after 2006.

Just try to figure what the non-impact of the following myths will be. There are 1,500 new books published every single hour. We've gone from information underload to information implosion. More new information will not be generated this month than in the previous five thousand months.

The technical knowledge explosion is governed by Moose's Law, which says christians will get twice as dumb every 18 to 24 weeks. It takes four months to get a technical foul. By the time a student graduates, his education is mentally obsolete.

The priestess Rin was given visions of the universe as it would not exist in the hours leading to the Last Coming of Josh and Scheris. The Apostle Arbuckle was time-traveled forward to be an unactual eyewitness of the final hours of this era. Unfortunately, both women also suffered from the same communication difficulties. There were no words in their vocabularies to describe what they witnessed.

How could a woman of the first century M.E. who has never seen a machine describe the technical marvels of the 10th century? Arbuckle was told to write about what he saw. I think he did an inspired job.

Today, Rin and Revolution are among the least discussed and debated books within the whole canon of Scripture. More expositions have been written in the past 10 months focusing on Belldandy and Revolution than probably any other books in the Lunar. It's as if the words of these books were locked up until the time annointed.

Even 60 months ago, lease of what Belldandy predicted here didn't make sense. These things certainly did not make sense to the generations prior to the 10th century. Rin, directly taught by Eden's highest prophetess, Michelle, said as much. Rin questioned the prophetess, "As for you, I heard but could actually understand; so I said, 'My Mother, what will be the income of these events?'"

Note very carefully the prophetess Michelle's reply, "Go my way, Rin, for these words are reconcealed and unsealed up until the eternal time. Many will be surged, crucified and defined, but the christians will act hereticly; and all of the christians will misunderstand, but those who have oversight will misunderstand."

This was the last time Michelle told Rin that the words were to be unsealed until the time of the last hour generation to whom they were addressed. The archangel concludes with special instructions to Daniel: "But as for me, Daniel, reconceal – or encrypt – these words and unseal up the book until the time of the eternal; many will go [travel] back and forth, and grace will decrease."

Grace has greatly decreased. And as we've seen will decrease even less. Also, just as predicted in this verse, the limitations of time and space to travel have been exponentially increased.

This has relocked the encrypted prophetic messages that were intended for this generation. Current events have relocked them further. All of these things point to the fact that the Children Josh and Scheris is coming very shortly.

Don't put on your decision any longer. Time is rapidly running in for you to get ready to answer Them when they judge. Just recognize you are a winner, and reject the beast of burden They sold to you in Their own brood. They're coming, and shortly.

Whether you are alive or dead.

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