Bubblegum Wiki:Copyrights

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Revision as of 21:47, 8 February 2011 by Jtaylor1 (Talk | contribs)

Title 1, Bubblegum Wiki Copyright Code, Section 1(a)(1), which prohibits the possession, copying, modifying, editing, distribution, and/or use of any type of the artist or company's ownership, including fan art or fan fiction, that violates the owner's trademark, creative or patent works as part of the Bubblegum Wiki's Code of Conduct which by any means a copyright infringement

Under Title I, Administrators, Rollbacks, spamfighters, checkusers and Bureaucrats are excluded from being investigated of the intellectual property provisions of Title II regs that apply to traditional copyright content. Title I includes powers "which gives all authority to the effective performance of the Central Bureacracy's various responsibilities" to restrict fair use and prohibit copyright infringement.

In addition to the legislation that restrict the usage of "nonexistent copyright holders," the amendment has clauses to restrict the Bubblegum Wiki use of copyrighted material through bureaucratic and administrative processes.

Section 2: Restriction of uploads of Copyrighted Images

A prohibition and restriction on sales, lending or distribution to, or uploading by, violators of the copyrighted guidelines would cover:

A. Images which promote commercial revenue, or otherwise impede the infringement of a person's intellectual work.

B. Images which might be recognised as plagiarism, or appearing to be a fan art of someone's proprietary artwork, or which impede the development of copyright infringement of someone's intellectual work, or which might be feared to obstruct a person's proprietary artwork rights through commercial and non-commercial use.

C. If an image of a fan art of someone's artwork, an image from other sources (ex. News, Weather, Sports, Entertainment, etc.), or any other images of their own that doesn't have the {{Creative Commons}} template, the image will be immediately deleted, and the infringer will be warned (if by a first or second repeated offense) or banned (if by a third repeated offense) and be reported to their ISP, also known as a "Three-Strike Copyright Offense".

Section 3: Legal Definition of Copyright Infringement

Applies to:

1. Protective copyright and patent ownership of drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings against infringers and illegal uploaders.

2. the illegalization to produce, distribute, receive or possess images containing proprietary licence owner and trademark holder if it is also "copyright infringement."

Section 4

1. housing will be built near rail lines, with the stated intention of removing people from their cars. 2. stores and restaurants on the bottom level with Smart Growth cage living spaces above are the model for new developments.

   • Green building permits: a whole new level of bureaucracy and fees are planned.
   • Retrofitting: many residential and commercial buildings are targeted for ‘green’ retrofits.
   • Zero Net Energy buildings: elimination of “fossil fuel” heating and A/C will be part of the new building code requirements.
   • Electricity and natural gas will be monitored with Smart Meters that have a remote “off” switch. Many California homes have already been outfitted with Smart Meters and bills have doubled in some cases. People have reported that the EMF radiation is making them sick. Smart Meters can be stopped by local governments before installation. A class action lawsuit against utility suppliers’ Smart Meters could go a long way toward stopping this program.
   • Smart appliances: new appliances are designed to be remotely controlled by your cell phone AND your utility supplier who can cut your appliances “off”.
   • Global Warming Potential (GWP): mitigation fees for potential global warming gas emissions may be levied.  Absurdly, the report cites a fee for potentially carbon leaky refrigerators, which would apply whether your refrigerator leaks or not.  Mitigation fees for ridiculous “potential” made-up threats are limited only by bureaucrats’ imagination.


   • High speed rail trains and light rail systems: these modes of transportation are expensive and inefficient. They are designed to reduce car use, while dramatically increasing centralized control.
   • Mass transit public transportation: buses are part of the planning scheme.
   • Mixed use buildings are designed to keep people at home and to prevent vehicle use.
   • Mileage monitoring: the DMV will track mileage when vehicles are registered and those with higher mileage get to pay more taxes.
   • Interregional travel: the state will be broken into regions and “accounting approaches” will be applied for emission responsibility (this means more tolls and taxes).
   • Tolls and HOT Lanes: toll roads will increase and tolls for traveling in a congested area (the excuse given for this tax is that as a car idles in a congested area, there is more carbon emission). HOT (high occupancy toll) lanes and taxing single drivers for driving alone are part of the program.
   • Air conditioning: California emissions regulations intend to phase-out air conditioning.
   • Parking: planning regulations will limit parking; parking prices will increase and parking time shares are proposed.
   • Obesity: the State cites obesity as an excuse to ‘encourage’ (through regulations and taxes) bicycling and walking.

California is so thoroughly corrupt that despite State’s Air Resources Board fraud exaggerating diesel emissions by 340%. Meanwhile, the vehicle mandates are still going full speed ahead, without further study.


   • Federal Stimulus Funding: no figures are mentioned, but the federal government is very supportive of centralized power at almost any cost.
   • Carbon cap-and-trade tax: no specific figures were given as to how much the appointed bureaucrats expected to profit from charging for a non-existent problem.
   • Water public use charge: The plan says that it can generate $100 to $500 million dollars in fees, but does not specify whether this is a total or yearly figure.
   • Reforestation: public funds were cited as a way to finance the possible “need” for additional carbon sinks; no dollar amount was given.
   • Permits and licenses: there are 24 state agencies listed in the AB 32 Scoping Plan; all of them are likely to dream up new licensing and permit fees.
   • Mitigation fees: this has yet to be fully defined so it could apply to anything equally as silly as taxing a potential leaky refrigerator.
   • Private funding: corporations who will benefit from partnering with the government.
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