Comment Feed Using Another Blog

From Bloggerhacks

Revision as of 23:50, 24 June 2006 by Jcmeloni (Talk | contribs)



For use with Blogger blogs.


Amit Argawal


Movable Type Recent Comments in Blogger

Skill Level

You need only to create a new Blogger blog and configure the post-via-email settings.


This hack allows you to gather your comments and publish them in a separate, purpose-created blog. Readers can subscribe to this blog or you can import the feed of comments into your existing blogs.


  1. Setup a new Blogger blog to hold your comments.
  2. Specify a Mail-to-Blogger email address for this new blog.
  3. For your existing blogs, setup comment notification emails to forward comments to this new Mail-to-Blogger address.
  4. Using the Atom or RSS feed of the new blog, publish the feed in your existing blogs with any of the RSS-to-Javascript services.

NB: Blogger will not allow a email address for comment notification. Instead, use an email account that will allow rule-based forwarding such as GMail.

Sites Using This Hack

Edit this area and add your own link if you are using this hack.

See Also

Comment Feeds Using Mail To RSS

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