Random Post Link

From Bloggerhacks

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(Sites Using This Hack)
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* [http://historiasdeldiaadia.blogspot.com/ Historias del dia a dia]
* [http://historiasdeldiaadia.blogspot.com/ Historias del dia a dia]
* [http://nevertobenext.blogspot.com/ Tempus fugit]
* [http://nevertobenext.blogspot.com/ Tempus fugit]
* [http://ylibros.blogspot.com/ Ylibros]
Edit this area and add your own link if you are using this hack.
Edit this area and add your own link if you are using this hack.

Revision as of 15:44, 12 October 2006




For use with Blogger blogs, requires a Del.icio.us account.


Mario Brhemenz


Blogger Hack: Random Post Button

Skill Level

You must be comfortable with your Blogger template and using Del.icio.us.


Creates a "random post" link for the sidebar of your blog that will take a reader to a random post. On spanish but with english tips.


  1. Ensure your posts are bookmarked in Del.icio.us.
  2. Obtain code and customize it per the instructions.
  3. Insert code into your Blogger template, as instructed.
  4. Re-publish your blog.

Sites Using This Hack

Edit this area and add your own link if you are using this hack.

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