
From Apocalypseblade

Taelyrn is a character in Blades of the Apocalypse. He was created during the Baalaose conflict through the fusion of two parallel-universe versions of the same person. He is currently involved in the Baalaose conflict, on the side of Pyrodeus and his allies.


[edit] Pre-Story History

After a horrible day at school and at work, a man from Earth saw a shooting star out of his bedroom window. Sarcastically, he wished for a life of adventure, one that would take him away from his life as it was. At this time, on Etrah, a poor man was wishing for the same thing.

When the man from Earth woke up, he found himself asleep in a forest, near a lake. He stood and explored his surroundings, and soon developed a massive headache. He found that when he turned east, the headache lessened, so he began to go east.

The Etrahn man, waking up on the outskirts of the unnamed City, found that he also had a headache, and found relief only when going west. Wondering what was going on, he ventured west, into Reyone Field.

Both men soon found themselves approaching a large ring of stones, and as they walked into it, their headaches all but disappeared. However, they were both suddenly very thirsty, and walked to a pool of water in the center of the ring. At this moment, they both noticed each other, and were shocked to see that they were identical, in every way they could see. The shock of this realization, coupled with their movement toward the pool, made them fall forward, both of them going underwater.

Instantly, the water began to glow brightly, a flash of light bathing the area. When it was gone, a man stood, seemingly on air, above the water. He opened his eyes and stepped forward onto the ground, then turned and took a drink from the pool. The word Tae-Lyrn came to his mind as he drank, meaning "soul-born", and from that, he took his name.

[edit] First Encounters

After a time of waiting in the circle, Taelyrn met Jaxyl, a rogue angel who had been walking through the field. The two spoke, and decided to spar. During this sparring match, it became apparent that Taelyrn had powers of which he was seemingly unaware. After the match concluded, another rogue angel, named Drixel, approached the pair, offering a challenge. Taelyrn accepted, and demonstrated yet more power, seeming to act on instinct.

After Drixel and Taelyrn had finished, Jaxyl asked them to join the cause of Baalaose. Drixel accepted, but Taelyn declined, wishing to see more of the world and learn to control his abilities.

[edit] Training

Taelyrn then walked west for several days, eventually arriving outside of Pyrodeus' Forge. Finding his way inside, he met Pyrodeus and Visignis. After hearing their stance on the Baalaose conflict, he decided to ally himself with their cause. However, he had a small problem: he could not control his abilities.

Upon hearing this, Visignis and Pyrodeus each took turns sparring with Taelyrn, where it was discovered that Taelyrn's instincts had developed into a seperate, fully aware personality. Pyrodeus theorized that if he could get the two to cooperate, they might merge, and give Taelyrn full control over his abilities.

After further fighting, a compromise was reached. Pyrodeus gave Taelyrn a Tai Chi sword, with a diamond embedded in the pommel, which could be used to store his energy. Taelyrn began to fill the gem with energy, and as he did, the split personalities merged, leaving Taelyrn in one piece, with full control, if not knowledge, of his abilities. Thanking Pyrodeus for his help, Taelyrn then ventured off into the Mountains of Secrecy, deciding to train until he knew his limits, if only so he could surpass them.

[edit] Thoncir, Tresdos, and Maku

After leaving the Mountains of Secrecy, Taelyrn made his way to the town of Thoncir, on the coast of the continent of Etrah. Upon wandering into town, Taelyrn discovered the remains of a massive horde of demons, all slain by the Warrior Angel Tresdos. He followed a trail of blood to a warehouse where Tresdos was producing hides and demon-bone weapons from the corpses. There, Tresdos offered Taelyrn a deal: assist with the production, and recieve a cut of the profit.

Taelyrn accepted, seeking to earn enough money to replace his trenchcoat, which had been burned during his sparring with Pyrodeus and Visignis. However, before Taelyrn could do much more than strip the meat from a skeleton, their progress was interrupted by a blast of energy, which destroyed a good portion of the warehouse.

Taelyrn and Tresdos found that the energy came from a strange, seemingly insane youth called Maku. However, believing Maku to be a demon, Tresdos splashed the boy with holy water, unknowingly interrupting Maku's abilities. A shouting match followed, almost leading to the killing of Maku by Tresdos. However, Taelyrn interrupted the two with a shield, offering Maku one chance to run. Maku accepted.

Tresdos, angry with Taelyrn for believing himself worthy of interrupting, sent Taelyrn away.

[edit] Cryodivus and Drixel

Taelyrn, some time after leaving Thoncir, returned to Reyone Field, hoping to rest for a while in the stone circle where he had been 'born'. However, upon crossing the field, Taelyrn encountered Drixel, one of the first people he had encountered in Etrah, and Cryodivus, the Warrior Angel of Ice. The two had just finished a battle with Baalaose, which had ended with the would-be god walking away without a word, and the demon Leviathan destroyed.

Deciding to set out for Pyrodeus' Forge, Cryodivus wondered whether or not Taelyrn would slow them down, due to his lack of wings. However, he surprised all of them, including himself, by generating a shield around himself that allowed him to defy gravity.

[edit] Weapons, Powers, and Abilities

Taelyrn has the ability to manipulate the energy in his own soul, a feat made possible by the fact that he has the energy of two living souls. He can use this energy in many different ways.

His most frequent use of the energy is to create energy shields, both around himself and others. He has demonstrated the ability to shatter these shields into razor-sharp shards, over which he has showed some control. These shards can also be created directly, without first creating a shield. Taelyrn also uses this ability to create directed energy blasts and, as has recently been discovered, to levitate himself off the ground.

Taelyrn possesses a Tai Chi sword, forged by Pyrodeus, with a nearly-perfect diamond embedded in the pommel. This diamond can hold massive amounts of energy, and the sword serves as a focus for Taelyrn in order to help him control his powers. He has not yet shown how much skill he may possess with the sword, but some of his earlier abilities suggest that he is more than capable. Before having the sword, Taelyrn would usually create an energy blade for use in battle. With this, he was able to fight on nearly even ground against both Visignis and Pyrodeus.

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