Akiyama Creme

From Angeliquemew

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The two aren't necessarily "together", but do share a strong bond and reoccuring love interest.
The two aren't necessarily "together", but do share a strong bond and reoccuring love interest.
Creme first met this girl at Cafe Mew Mew. Ume was her first costumer, so the girl made a big impact on Creme.
Later on in the Cafe, Creme helped Ume with her discovery of being a Mew.

Revision as of 23:31, 15 December 2007

Akiyama Creme (Creme Akiyama) is a 14 year old Mew Mew. She is played by Lea-chan (Member).

Akiyama Creme




Creme grew up with her parents and sister Akiyama Chihiro in Tokyo. She was born and raised as a polite and sensible young girl who was taught not to believe in fantasies and fairy tales. She grew up like this for most of her life. Creme took on cooking as a hobby, and grew to be a strong and independent girl.

Years after, she stumbled upon the ever famous Cafe Mew Mew while she was running. Creme entered to find Tasima Kira, an Angelique who was working at the cafe. While there, she discovered her power to transform into a Mew with the help of Kira.


Creme has become stronger and more free to believe in whatever she wants since becoming a Mew. She has made friends with Mew and Angeliques alike, and is hoping that she will get used to all of this. She works at the Cafe like the other Mews, and is allowed to help the chef, Keiichiro, with the cooking sometimes.


Creme is the kind of girl who would be described as too nice. She doesn't have an evil bone in her body, and wouldn't do as much to harm even an ant. She is very sensitive, and cares for her friends very much.

When transforming into Mew Creme though, she becomes fierce and protective of her friends and loved ones.


Creme has the type of parents who are usually very busy with work. She grew up like this most of her life, so she hasn't really known what it is like to be loved by her parents.

Chihiro, her younger sister and Angelique, has been her best friend for her entire life. Creme would do anything for her little sister.



Akiyama Chihiro - Her little sister and best friend. These two are known for being the "perfect" siblings, and getting along no matter what.

Akiyama Kazuki - Creme's father. He is almost always at work, but tries to spend time wih his daughters

Akiyama Ai - Creme's mother. She is a woman who spends time to perfect things, and likes everything neat and orderly.


  • Kanai Akihiko: Complicated relationship. They yell at eachother a lot. Akihiko is her knight.
  • Tasima Kira : The first Angelique/Mew sided person she had ever met.

Love Interest

Taking it straight to the point, Creme is pretty much in love with Muraii Ume, another mew whom she met at the cafe.

The two aren't necessarily "together", but do share a strong bond and reoccuring love interest. Creme first met this girl at Cafe Mew Mew. Ume was her first costumer, so the girl made a big impact on Creme. Later on in the Cafe, Creme helped Ume with her discovery of being a Mew.


  • Name: Akiyama Creme
  • Alias: Mew Creme / Mew Cream
  • Colors: Orange and white
  • Age: 14 years
  • Birthday: February 6th
  • Hair Color: Strawberry blonde. Orange in Mew form
  • Eye Color: Normally gold. Orange in Mew form.
  • Height: 5' 2
  • Weight: 101 lbs.
  • Likes: Cooking, friends,
  • Talents: Cooking, running, drawing
  • Favorite foods: Soda, crispy things, gummy things, and curry rice
  • Least favorite foods: Red meat
  • Blood Type: B+
  • Mew Mark: An orange heart with bunny ears on it on her ankle.
  • Transformation saying: Mew Mew Creme! Metamorphosis!
  • Animal: White Rabbit

Mew Mew Information


Unlike most Mews, Creme is actually named after a food. She doesn't have the translated name in Japanese, but can be called Mew Cream as well as Mew Creme.

Mew Creme wears an orange tube top and matching shorts. She wears white high heels, and white wrist gloves on her hands. Her White Rabbit ears and tail are part of the Mew costume as well. Her hair is always in pigtails in Mew form, and they're held together with white ponytail holders with tiny orange hearts in the middle.

Weapon and Attack

Mew Creme uses the Creme Boomerang for her attacks. It is a white boomerang. Lining it is orange coloring, and the middle is decorated with orange swirls.

Her one and only attack is Reborn Creme Bounce. She catches the boomerang in her hand and spins it in one circle, staring atop her head, and going down towards her feet and back around in a clockwise manner. She throws the boomerang, which destroys the enemy.


  • She has a voice similar the the character Nagisa Aoi from the anime Strawberry Panic.
  • Creme is the co-leader of the cooking club that she is a member of.
  • Angelique: Tokyo Mew Mew is the second time that Creme has appeared in any Tokyo Mew Mew related media. She was featured in a fanfiction written by Lea-chan with four other new Mews: Mew Cocoa, Mew Vanilla, Mew Plum, and Mew Citrus.
  • Her mew name could also be known as Mew Cream, as well as Mew Creme.
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