
From Angeliquemew

(Redirected from Tasima Kira)

Kira Tasima is a 13 year old pure angelique with three mew aqua. Kira is played by Kira (Member).

Kira is represented by Colette Brunell from Tales of Symphonia


[edit] Basic Background Information

Kira is partially Japanese, and Partially American/Canadian (That has yet to be determined). She lives in Japan, and most information about her family is unknown. She is somewhat rich, although no one seems to know about that fact. Kira is a pure angelique, and currently wields three mew aqua.

Kira is 13 years old. Her birthday is June 17, 1994, thus causing her to be born in the year of the dog, and also to be a Gemini. Geminis are said to like to talk, to like learning and teaching, and also to like the unusual. Kira is decently talkative, smart, not very good at describing things, and definitely enjoys things that are considered to be 'unusual.' Although she has few friends, she is very close with them and trusts them, and they trust her back. Those born in the year of the dog are said to be Loyal, modest, dependable, generous, patient, intelligent, honest, attractive, and well-meaning. Kira is most (if not all) of these, although Attractive maybe not so much, but who knows. The year of the dog is also said to represent the 'Yang' polarity, which represents light (although, also masculine... o.O).

[edit] Description

Kira stands a little over five feet tall, and is somewhere between of average weight or slightly underweight for her age. She has long, blonde hair that makes it down to about halfway down her back, and bright blue eyes. Her skin is light in color, although not pale. From her back come a pair of semi-transparent, light blue wings. Her wingspan is about 4 to 5 feet wide due to having three mew aqua, and therefore she can fly for long distances without getting tired. Kira normally wears blue, white, purple, or black. On occasion, she'll wear other colors, but those are her favorites.

[edit] History

There are two versions of Kira's history. The Condensed version is just before the role play. If you're more interested, read the full version =D

[edit] Condensed History

She was just walking home from school one day when she came in contact with the mew aqua. It was an accident, but it did happen. After that happened, she was afraid of what her powers could do, until she found out that she could help people even more that she already was able to - by using her healing magic. She wants to use her powers to help the mew mews.

[edit] Full History

Kira's full history will be split in half for convenience :)

[edit] Before...

Kira was, and still is, a very kind girl. She doesn't have a mean bone in her, thus making her the perfect candidate for a mew aqua. Of course, she hasn't always been an angelique. That's a given.

Through Elementary School, Kira and Natsu were normally by themselves, and they didn't mind. Most people thought of them as weird, but they didn't care. Elementary school, up until their fourth year for them, went quite smoothly.

In the middle of their fourth year, a new boy showed up at the school. He had recently moved to Tokyo. He was a sixth year, although age-wise, he was supposed to be a fifth year. He looked good, and quite a few of the fifth year and sixth year girls were going after him. The only fourth year who was doing that was Natsu, who only was interested in his appearance. Kira worried that her friend was going to be getting herself into some trouble. This was because the new boy, Meshi, would be going into Junior High in the next year, so if Natsu was too interested in him, she would be crushed to see him leave. Natsu responded by saying that fifth years were doing it too, but Kira just tried to ignore it.

That same day, some things had gone wrong (read Meshi's profile for the full details), and he ended up joining the two of them at lunch most days for the rest of the year. The three also normally would walk to school together, as they all lived in the same general area. The fifth and sixth years in elementary school were quite normal for Kira. After graduating from Elementary School, she was very excited to be going into Junior High. She, Natsu, and Meshi all would be going to the same public Junior High for the year (Meshi would be in High School the next year), so the group of three would be back together again.

Most of that year went smoothly, until the near end of the year. The strange day was one where Meshi had to stay after for club reasons. It was just Kira and Natsu. Kira accidentally tripped on a root, but at that time, something strange happened. She felt a form of a tingly sensation, and saw a strange glowing orb of sorts enter her body. Natsu did not see this, but she knew Kira tripped.

When she got home and changed out of her school clothes, she noticed a pair of tiny, somewhat transparent, light blue wings on her back. It was very strange, and also uncomfortable to wear clothing over them. She took it upon herself to cut slits in the back of her shirts, and even her school uniforms.

She waited until the next day to tell her friends about it. She didn't want to tell Natsu before the others. They also found it strange, but they knew it couldn't be helped. Most people in school didn't notice, and Kira liked it that way.

It didn't take long for Kira to figure out what her wings meant. "Angelique" were all over the news. The news talked about people with small wings, normally of light colors, specifically white. Kira's weren't white, but they were small and of light color. The news also talked about some strange powers. Kira found hers to be focused on healing. She didn't pay much attention to it for a while.

[edit] ...And After

School had just started summer break. The day started with the 'wonderful' sound of Meshi and his mother yelling at each other, most likely over something stupid, but Kira wasn't actually sure. She had decided that she would go out and enjoy the fresh air that day. While she was out, she met Satou, who had just bumped into a telephone pole. In a few minutes, she had felt the strange pulsations of Mew Aqua coming from below her.

She found herself down in the subway, after meeting Mew Ringo and a couple other mews. she watched as Mew Pudding captured the Mew Aqua with Mew Satou's robot. Mew Pudding's decision was to hold onto the Mew Aqua to give to an angelique later, when it would be necessary. It was probably about a week later that Natsu had visited the Museum, and called Kira to come and join her. Another strange day, most definitely, because there was another Mew Aqua. At this same time, they met the Black Knight, who seemed... Similar in a way to Meshi. The Mew Aqua went to this Knight, who gave it to his Mew, Satou. Satou used it to repair the building, which had almost collapsed at that point.

In only a few days it was (The day before) Kira's birthday. She didn't mind going into work on that day, since the others at the Cafe probably didn't know. Well, that's what she thought. Natsu had actually gone ahead and told everyone (not actually knowing that they were mews, but that's not important). She also invited (err... Forced) Meshi to come.

So.... Yeah. The party happened, with lack of detail for the most part.

With time to spare, Ryou planned a beach vacation for the mews. Kira, still kind of new to the team, went to get to know everyone better. She wasn't the only one doing this, as Kuri had recently discovered that she was a mew mew, and had to meet the rest of the team as well. What better way to get to know everyone than mew aqua hunting? Ryou had them snorkeling in search for Mew Aqua. She, Kuri, Sachiko, and Akeru were the only ones looking for it at the time Technically Satou and some others were there too, but this happened during Satouberri's great disappearance, so.... During this "Adventure" The Mews and Angeliques fought a Fallen Angelique named Mitsuki. The battle ended up going that she and Sachiko went to find the Mew Aqua, and Kuri and Akeru took care of Mitsuki.

As usual, Kira felt the normal pulsations of the Mew Aqua. Near the end, though, the pain ceased, and she was left with a strange feeling... A feeling of complete Purity. The feeling of receiving a Mew Aqua. She collected it inside her soul, leaving her with larger wings, and powers over plants.

More fights. Sachiko received a Mew Aqua. A strange Angelique seeming to have wings of Dandelion Petals Received a Mew Aqua. Coconut received a Mew Aqua. And from that Mew Aqua that Coconut received, Kira received her third. This added powers over water to her abilities. Not long after that, she was working at the Cafe, and a girl by the name of Creme came by. After a little bit of talking, Kira found out that Creme was a Mew Mew. Soon after, Mitsuki attacked again. Creme discovered the fact that she was a Mew, and they also met two more mews. Some time later, She went with a decent-sized group of others to go rescue Sachiko's spirit. A Repuren Sided Alien, Sumomo, had taken it from her. Details on this thread and from there on out need to be added :)

[edit] Powers

With Three Mew Aqua, Kira has Three Powers. They are Healing, Plants, and Water.

[edit] Healing Powers

Kira can use her healing powers quite easily, as she has had them since the start.

Light wounds are a breeze. She can be quite far from the ally who she wants to heal to be able to heal this easily. It takes almost no effort. Medium wounds are only a little bit more difficult. To save strength, Kira should get somewhat close to her target. Depending on her location, it can take a decent amount of effort. Heavy wounds, on the other hand, are harder. Kira should probably be pretty much in contact with her target. If she's farther away, it takes a lot out of her. Anything else most likely requires help from another healer to be able to heal it completely.

[edit] Plant Powers

Kira's plant powers focus on Flower Petals:

Blue (Petal Rain): Kira summons some blue petals in her hands. Holding them above her head, even without wind, they fly around in a circular formation, healing Kira's allies. This combines Kira's Healing Powers, and her Plant Powers

Pink and White (Petal Rain): Kira summons Petals in her hands. Some are Pink, some are white. She holds them above her head, they fly in a circular formation around target enemy. Used as a distraction.

Red (Petal Blast) Only when she needs this the most can she use it. The Red Petals are small blades. After summoning them in her hands, Kira can send them at high speed towards target enemy.

Purple (Petal Blast) Kira summons purple Petals (You probably figured that out). WHen an attack is coming at her, she can use it as a counter, sort of like a shield. It does no damage.

[edit] Water Powers

Kira tends to, at the moment, just use her water powers for basic defense and some slight offense if she needs it. Nothing complicated at the moment when she's alone. On the other hand, when working with an angelique with the Wind Power, the water can be frozen to make small ice attacks.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Family

  • Tasima Christopher - Her Father. He is a doctor, and is normally in America when it comes to his work, as that is where he came from (Oh look, it's actually been determined now XD). He takes vacation whenever he can to come visit Kira, but that's not very often.
  • Tashima Aki - Her Mother. She lives in Japan sometimes, and in America other times.

[edit] Friends

Rozu Natsu - Natsu is her best friend from school. The two of them have been friends for as long as they can remember.

Fudou Meshi - When he moved to Tokyo, Kira was his first friend. Even though they're in different grades :)

Akiyama Creme - A friend met when Kira was working at the Cafe. Kira helped Creme discover how to transform into a mew mew, and all that fun stuff.

Akai Sachiko - Her Angelique Buddy. The Two of them have known each other... Since the beach event? Anyway, they've witnessed the other one get all of their Mew Aqua so far... I think.

[edit] Lovelife

None! Yet, that is :)

[edit] Other Usages of "Kira Tasima"

Oh, Kira has been used in so many places... I'll just put down the most recent usage.

[edit] Kira in Tokyo Mew Mew Academy

In Tokyo Mew Mew Academy Gaia, Kira is a normal Mew Mew, although she has two animal DNA. She helped her best friends, Kiichigo and Sekkai, create a program to turn them into Mew Mews. In this version of Kira, her attacks are voice-based.

[edit] The Mystic Mew Plot

A mini plot of TMMA was that some of the Mews became "Mystic Mews." The idea was Emilyyamaki's. Basically, some mews would gain a second transformation, to be a certain "Type." Kira was the Cleric Type. Her abilities were based off of those of a Priest from World of Warcraft. This was how it was decided to make her be a Pure Angelique inside Angelique Tokyo Mew Mew.

[edit] Profile

  • Name: Kira Tasima
  • Name Meaning: "Kira" Is a Celtic name (I think) meaning "Dark." Tasima... Well, that has no meaning :)
  • Age: At the time that the role play started, Kira was almost 13 years old.
  • Birthday: June 17, 1994
  • Grade: 7th or 8th - I'm kind of uncertain at this point.
  • Height: Probably around 5 feet and 2 inches
  • Weight: I'm really not sure about this one ._.
  • Likes: Helping people, Her Friends, Cats... And a lot of other stuff
  • Dislikes: Umm... There are a lot of things... ._.
  • Favorite Foods: Soba, Fruit in General
  • Least Favorite Foods: Undecided
  • Blood Type: Undetermined at the moment :)
  • Mew Aqua Count: 3
  • Powers: Healing, Plant, Water

[edit] Random Fun Trivia

  • Kira is pretty much an exact copy of the person who plays her
  • Except Kira the Mod has brown hair and brown eyes, has a lovelife, and definately does not have special powers.
  • Kira was the first character on Angelique to be posted
  • That said, she obviously was the first Pure Angelique
  • Kira was the first Angelique to recieve a second Mew Aqua
  • Kira was the first Angelique to recieve a third Mew Aqua
  • If Kira had a Seiyuu, it would be Eri Kitamura, who voices Saya from Blood+ among other characters
  • Kira looks a lot like Flonne from Disgaea and Collette from Tales of Symphonia
  • One of her Designated Character songs is Life by Yui
  • Kira the Mod has recorded herself singing Life by Yui, and has put it on YouTube
  • Kira is one of, if not the only, Pure Angelique with Strangely Colored Wings (Hers are Blue instead of white)
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