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Finding Averages

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 19:30, 21 August 2007 by ILHI (Talk | contribs)
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An Average is the "around that" number for a given thing in a given time, a ratio, or a quantity per unit. There are lots of different things you can average, such as Kills Per Minute, Characters Per Day, or Kills : Deaths. Finding averages is usually used by players to see how good they are at a given game or to brag off their skill (i.e. "I have 20 kills a minute! Beat THAT").
However, there are also other things to average, such as Edits Per Page on a wiki, or the average amount of articles a Member creates. These are usually used to compare oneself to others, or find the popularity of a thing.

Typical Requirements

There are a few things you need to know before you can compute an average. Here are typical things and how to find them (this goes for all games and Wikis, not just TS):

  • Games
    • Total Kills - Usually available on profile/stats screen.
    • Total Losses/Deaths - Usually available on profile/stats screen.
    • Total Hours Played - Usually available on profile/stats screen. Conversions:
      • 1 Day = 24 hours
      • 1 Minute = 1/60 (.0167) hour
      • 1 Second = 1/3600 (.000278) hour
    • Total Minutes Played - Usually available on profile/stats screen. Conversions:
      • 1 Day = 1440 minutes
      • 1 Hour = 60 minutes
      • 1 Second = 1/60 (.067) minute
    • Total Seconds Played - Usually available on profile/stats screen. Conversions:
      • 1 Day = 86400 seconds
      • 1 Hour = 3600 seconds
      • 1 Minute = 60 seconds
    • Characters Unlocked - Usually available on profile/stat screen or character gallery. Keep in mind not to count characters unlocked by default.
  • Websites
    • Pages - The total amount of pages on a website, including all special pages, user pages, and blogs.
    • Info Pages - Pages on encyclopaedic websites that actually tell information on a given subject (excludes user pages).
    • Total Edits - The total amount of edits on an encyclopaedic website.
    • Views - The total amount of views a site has had. This includes ALL pages.
    • Members - The total amount of members a website has.
    • Administrators - Administrative members of a website.

Finding some Averages in TimeSplitters

There are lots of different things you can average out in a game, given that you have the requirements to find them. Here are some:

  • Games
    • Kills Per Hour = Kills/Hours
    • Kills Per Minute = Kills/Minutes
    • Kills Per Second = Kills/Seconds
    • Deaths Per Hour = Deaths/Hours
    • Deaths Per Minute = Deaths/Minutes
    • Deaths Per Second = Deaths/Seconds
    • Kills to Deaths Ratio = Kills/Deaths
    • Kills Per Game = Kills/Games
    • Deaths Per Game = Deaths/Games
    • Characters Unlocked Per Hour = Characters/Hours
  • Websites (Mostly Wikis)
    • Info Pages Per Member = Info Pages/Members
    • Views Per Page = Views/Pages
    • What Percent of All Info Pages is One Article (for Info Pages) 100/Info Pages
    • Administrators to Members Ratio = Members/Administrators
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