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From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 01:37, 11 June 2007 by Drifting (Talk | contribs)

Maps, Characters, Weapons, Glitches Clans and Arcade League missions all use Infoboxes. They appear at the top right of the article and display information. Include these if you are beginning an article.



{{Infobox Map|
  name           = Insert Map's name here|
  image          = Paste URL of Image here|
  size           = Small/Medium/Large|
  location       = i.e. A Chinese Restaraunt|
  climate        = i.e. Raining,snowing etc|
  unlocked       = How the map is unlocked|
  rec_bot_set    = Bot #1<br>Bot #2<br>Bot #3<br>Bot #4<br>Bot #5|
  rec_wep_set    = Wep #1<br>Wep #2<br>Wep #3<br>Wep #4<br>Wep #5|

The bot #1 & wep #1 etc are the bots/weps in the recommended bot/wep set for that map.


{{Infobox Character|
  name           = Insert Character's name here|
  image          = Paste URL of character here|
  unlock         = How the character is unlocked|
  species        = [[Human/Cyborg/Zombie/Alien/Mox/Robot/TimeSplitter]] etc|
  size           = Small/Sub-Small(like Stumpy)/Normal/Large|
  accuracy       = Out of 10|
  agility        = Out of 10|
  stamina        = Out of 10|
  fire_proof     = Out of 10|
  shock_proof    = Out of 10|
  default_ai     = See below about this field|
  timezone       = This character's time zone, i.e. Cpt Ash would be 1920-1935|
  appearence     = The character's first appearence, i.e. TS2 Story Mode|
  relations      = If the character is related to another, i.e. Mary-Beth and Jo-Beth Casey|
  games          = Which of the games this character appears in|

For "default_ai" see it's explanation. Characters also use a "Gestures and Gallerys" inforbox, fill in the appropriate boxes and leave N/A in boxes that don't apply.

{{Infobox GGI|
  ts1gesture     = The character's gesture in TS1, if any. If not in TS1 put N/A|
  tsfpgesture    = The character's gesture in TSFP, if any. If not in TSFP put N/A|
  ts2gallery     = The character's gallery entry in TS2, if not in TS2 put N/A|
  tsfpgallery    = The character's gallery entry in TSFP, if not in TSFP put N/A|


{{Infobox Weapon|
  name           = Insert the Weapon's name here|
  image          = Paste the URL of the weapon's picture here|
  ammo           = Max Clip Size/Max Ammo|
  fire_rate      = How many bullets it fires per second (Example: 2bps)|
  reload_time    = How many seconds it takes to reload (Example: 0.9sec)|
  damage         = What percentage of health it takes off to the head & body.|
  type           = [[Melee/Pistol/Shotgun/High Fire-Rate/Heavy Weapon/Rocket/Explosive/Sniper/Other|
  zoom           = If the weapon has a Zoom feature or not.|
  p_fire         = What Primary Fire does.|
  s_fire         = What Secondary Fire does.|
  games          = Which games the weapon appears in.|

Also, Elite Yoshi has said that users should include their tips on using the weapon when posting.


{{Infobox Glitch|
  name           = The Glitch's (nick)name|
  req            = The requirements for the glitch to work, seperate each with a <br>|
  credit         = The Glitch Finder|

an example:

{{Infobox Glitch|
  name           = Evil Gingerbread Apocolypse|
  req            = - TimeSplitters FP<br>- Story Mode Completed<br>- Gingerbread Man unlocked|
  credit         = Xylaquin|

would appear as this:

Evil Gingerbread Apocolypse
Requirements - TimeSplitters FP
- Story Mode Completed
- Gingerbread Man unlocked
Finder Xylaquin


{{Infobox Clan|
  name           = Your Clan's Full Name|
  motto          = "Your motto", if none type: None|
  logo           = A URL to your clan's logo, it mustn't be bigger than 250x200|
  founded        = The date your clan started|
  founder        = Your clan leader(s)/founder(s)|
  region         = The country or continent you operate in, you can also put: Multiple or All|
  language       = Your clan's language.|
  recruiting     = Yes or No|
  platform       = The console(s) you play on with the clan|
  rank           = SEE BELOW|
  site           = a URL to your site or forum|
  affiliations   = If you have any partnerships or affiliations, say here.|

The Rank Feild

Your rank on the clan server, or on a clan battle site like GameBattles. You can use one of the following 3 examples:

  • Not Ranked (If you don't use ranks)
  • 5th (If you use the clan server)
  • 3rd on GameBattles.com (If you use a website, you must say which)

Remember to update your ranks!

Arcade League Infobox

{{Infobox Arcade|
  name           = Insert challenge name here|
  image          = Paste URL of Image here|
  game           = Game the challenge is in|
  league         = League the challenge is in (ex. Amateur League)|
  section        = Section the challenge is in (ex. Behead the Undead)|
  mode           = The mode used in the challenge (ex. Deathmatch)|
  map            = Map that the challenge takes place in|
  character      = The character you play|
  enemies        = The enemies encountered in the challenge|
  unlock         = What becomes unlocked when you beat the challenge with different medals|
  requirements   = The times required to attain each medal|
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