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The Russian Connection

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 18:08, 7 May 2007 by Eatme dude (Talk | contribs)

In The Russian Connection, Cortez must team up with special agent Harry Tipper and aid him in saving Kitten Celeste from Khallos, as well as finding out the whereabouts of the mysterious Time Traveler.




Cortez follows the mysterious Time Traveler from 1924 Scotland to a train depot in Russia in 1969. Here, it seems that the Time Traveler is leading a cult and has teamed up with the arch criminal genius, Khallos. A potentially lethal alliance but no match for the combined talents of Cortez and super chilled agent Harry Tipper!

Primary Objectives

  • Find Time Traveler
  • Rendezvous at the water tower
  • Deactivate electricity
  • Protect Harry Tipper
  • Gain access to sector 3
  • Restore main power
  • Activate starter motor
  • Restore water pressure
  • Locate Khallos's train



  • Beginning

In the start of the level, make sure you want to be as stealthy as possible. Also, make sure you look all over the place, there are weapons and health packs waiting to be picked up.

  • Underground

When your in the base, try to bring the car as far as you can. It'll come in handy. For ex: you can drive it through a room and kill enemies without taking alot of damage.


  • The Henchman will call for an area sweep if they find a dead body, which is a possible reference to Metal Gear Solid.
  • There are several references to World War 2 propaganda in the level "The Russian Connection" and in the Warzone level in the original Timesplitters.
  • The drunken Henchman on the water tower says "a thingie... woman," this is a quote from a drunken guard at the start of the Terry Pratchett novel, "Guards, Guards".
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