From The TimeSplitters Wiki
Tips & Ideas
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| randomwolf1 @ 17:46, 14 November 2006
| He seems to drop by every now and then...
I'm not sure when last he was seen...
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| Xylaquin @ 18:35, 12 November 2006
| Just letting you guys know I'm still alive! Man wiki of the month :D thats great! But remember to use Infoboxes guys, one of the things that makes a good wiki is the design and presentation of data. Does anyne know where Elite Yoshi is?
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| randomwolf1 15:21, 12 November 2006 (EST)
| Yeah, I'm not sure but I think there's more than one ramp glitch. Perhaps a sub-heading in the Mapmaker Glitches bit especially for ramp glitches would be good?
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| Crows 16:05, 11 November 2006 (EST)
| Hey, shouldn't Mapmaker Ramp Glitches be under Mapmaker Glitches since Mapmaker Ramp Glitches would take place on the Mapmaker. Also, has anybody noticed the A.I. is somewhat smarter in Mapmaker Preview than a regular Arcade / Mapmaker match.
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| randomwolf1 18:57, 11 November 2006 (EST)
| YAY! Haha! That's pretty cool actually!
I have some bad news though... My GC won't read discs!!! Which means that I can't play the TS games and add much to this at the moment...
When I get my Wii for xmas however, I shall be able to help more!
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| Crows 22:35, 9 November 2006
| I put weapons- type links for most of the TS3 weapons, if I wasn't supposed to do this, I'm sorry that I couldn't help to put guns like the Plasma Autorifle into the Weapons High-Fire Rate caterogory.
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| Crows 21:42, 9 November 2006
| Ahh!... the Decortive thing didn't work. The thing was supposed to be a graph ,but didn't. So, for you better members, if you can make a graph for the bottom half, do it.
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| Crows 21:11, 9 November 2006
| I kind of new here, joined not so long ago (like less than a month ago), I decided to edit a few TS3 weapons and two items for TS3. I also added a glitch I unintentionally found. I put the glitch ahead of the merge tile glitches because it wasn't related. I also set up a pre-Template for Items-Decortives. You can use it to make a a better one because I don't know how to make templates...
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| randomwolf1 22:38, 31 October 2006
| Well, I'm working my way through the Assault page which seems to be going well =)
I just have loads of work at the mo and haven't had much time to do this...
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| Elite Yoshi 1840. 30 October 2006
| Hey guys i'm back, High school is a drag.... I'll be able to help you guys even more due to the fact that i got my PS2 by my computer.
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| randomwolf1 18:23, 16 October 2006 (EDT)
| Wahey! Now the site might grow again =)
GRRRAGH! I finally managed to beat the Robot Factory on hard! Only to find that the Space Station is equally hard!
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| Drifting 16:40, 15 October 2006 (EDT)
| I'm back!
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| randomwolf1 @ 19:15, 15 October 2006
| Teh yay for organisation! Twas getting rather large...
EDIT: DAMMMMMMMMMMMMITTTT! Forgot to change the time again...
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| Xylaquin @ 18:03, 14 October 2006
| I've made a new feature for chat, see below about archives etc.
Chat Archives
Ever so often when the page gets big, it is cut and pasted into these archives and the chat page is clean for more chat!