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Corporal Hart

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 01:43, 15 August 2006 by NightColossus (Talk | contribs)
Corporal Hart
Unlocked by Unlocked by Default
Species Human
Size Normal
Accuracy 10/10
Agility 6/10
Stamina 6/10
Fire Proof 10/10
Shock Proof 10/10
Default AI 5 stars
Native TimeZone 2401
First Appearance TS2 Story Mode
Relations None
Games TS2 & TSFP

Corporal Hart is Sergeant Cortez's 'sidekick' in TimeSplitters 2, untill she is killed by a TimeSplitter.


Gestures and Gallery Entries


TSFP Stands and says "Guns locked and ready to roll!"

Gallery Entries

In TS2

Not just an excellent soldier, Corporal Hart is also an expert with all kinds of mechanical and computer technology. She has found her servo-enhanced Tritium Exo-Arm to be a very useful aid in battle situations.


Cortez's old sidekick. Who knows, if she hadn't caught one in the kisser back in TimeSplitters2 she might still be around, Oh, I see, you've completed the story game so the TimeSplitters never existed and she didn't die. Well, how come there's a selectable TimeSplitter character then?

Her Return

Cortez witnesess Corporal Hart's death.

Whilst Cortez jumped throught the Time Portal, Hart stayed at the controls, abit like Anya only without communication. Hart is killed by a plasma from a TimeSplitter near the end of TimeSplitters 2, however she reappears in TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. However since Cortez defeated the TimeSplitters causing everything they had done not to happen because they did not exist, Hart was not killed and thus reappears in TS3.

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