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Ninja Garden

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

Revision as of 13:38, 10 February 2008 by Dj master2 (Talk | contribs)
icon_confused.gif The original author of Ninja Garden does not have any further information on this article. The author may return to finish the article when information has been gathered, however they welcome anyone to expand on this article.

Ninja Garden
Game TS: FP
League Elite League
Section Retro Chique
Mode Monkey Assistant
Map Chinese
Character Chinese Chef
Enemies Encountered Gaston Boucher
Duckman Drake
Rewards Bronze: Chinese Chef
Medal Requirements Bronze: 1st
Silver: 1st and 17 points
Gold: 1st and 20 points

Ninja Garden is an arcade league challange in which you are pitted against Gaston Boucher, Calamari, and Duckman Drake in a Monkey Assistant match in TimeSplitters Future Perfect.


It's come to this: Gaston,the Chinese Chef and a couple of their favourite ingredients-Duck and Calamari,in a bitter contest of wok. Cook or to be cooked! But who could have forseen the wildcard intervention of a crack team of a crack team of Ninja Monkeys weighing in for the underdog? Banzai!

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