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TS Chat

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

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== Chat ==
== Chat ==
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  post_info      = Elite Yoshi @ 19:54, 12/9/06
  post          = Has any of you guys got the Buggy on the dam in TSFP in Sibera. I have and I drove it through the blue base. Would that be considered a glitch. I don't know. Well, if it is, its a fun one.
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Revision as of 00:54, 13 September 2006

Tips & Ideas


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 post_info      = Elite Yoshi @ 19:54, 12/9/06
 post           = Has any of you guys got the Buggy on the dam in TSFP in Sibera. I have and I drove it through the blue base. Would that be considered a glitch. I don't know. Well, if it is, its a fun one.
Post Info Drifting 18:13, 12 September 2006 (EDT)
Content http://timesplittersgames.free.fr/ts2/minijeux.php

Hmm, I wonder if we could use these images for the game cartridges page I just made. I'd ask, but I'm not fluent in French.

Post Info Elite Yoshi @ 11:42, 10/9/06
Content I'm back guys, I had some crazied up month. I have TimeSplitters FP and 2 so I'll be able to help on the story levels and stuff. I'll see if I can be open to help a little more.
Post Info randomwolf1 18:06, 9 September 2006 (EDT)
Content I was gonna start work on the FP levels once I was done with the weapon tips, I like the template you've got so I'll probably be doing the same. I only have like 2 more weapons to do so I can help on that =)

EDIT: Okay, I've FINALLY finished all the weapons in TS3 so I can start to help on some story missions!

Post Info Drifting 18:04, 8 September 2006 (EDT)
Content I've been writing up pages for each of the Story levels. I'll eventually write some strategies if no one else does, but in the meantime it'd be appreciated by me if someone would like to help out (on TS1 in particular.) I've already made a template of sorts for the story levels if you look at the ones I've already done. Though feel free to add if I forgot something.
Post Info randomwolf1 @ 16:26, 6/9/06
Content We only wanna change the "R-1 Series" bit to "R-100 Series", not the whole robot category thing... I meant can we change it so that it says that IN the category?

And Cortez only wears a white shirt when he puts on the doctor suit at the U-Genix place.

Post Info Xylaquin @ 16:26, 6/9/06
Content Don't change the robot category to "R-100 series", not all robots in TS are of the series *rolls eyes*. Cortez has a white shirt thing in some story levels, on GC it should be the same.
Post Info randomwolf1 @ 17:38, 2/9/06
Content Changing "R-1" to "R-100" is a good idea, but is it possible to change that Robot Category to say "R-100 Series"?

Also, those pics of Cortez around show him wearing a white top, is that unlockable on the PS2 or something? Because he has a grey top on the GC game...

Post Info Xylaquin @ 17:38, 2/9/06
Content I was actually planning to make the (x2) links, redirect to a subsection under the (x1) weapons. But it is a wiki so change it to your liking.
Post Info Elite Yoshi 10:52, 2 September 2006
Content I just had my party for my B-day. All we did was play Halo and TimeSplitters till 5 am. I'm still sleepy. I agree on the 2x thing. See Ya!
Post Info Drifting 15:49, 1 September 2006 (EDT)
Content I agree about the dual wielded weapons, randomwolf1. It's seems pretty redundant. Maybe there should be a Yes/No category in the Infobox to tell if the weapon is dual-wieldable?
Post Info randomwolf1 16:53, 1 September 2006 (EDT)
Content Something I wasn't too sure about the weapons tips page is whether I should separate them by game like I have, because some weapons are in more than one... It's that ever growing contents box that's beginning to worry me...

Also, wouldn't it be better if we put the *gun* and *gun (x2)* together? And just say that it can be duel wielded or something? It seems silly making a whole new page for the same gun...

Post Info Drifting 16:53, 31 August 2006 (EDT)
Content I'll copy and paste the weapon tips, since I'm the one who suggested it and all...
Post Info Xylaquin @ 19:12, 30 August
Content I've added Scourge's Realm to the Links at the bottom of the main page. Someone has to paste the weapon tips into their appropriate weapon articles.
Post Info randomwolf1 @ 21:51, 29 August
Content If you want to put the weapon tips on the weapon pages then you can. Or you could have a brief version and then link to the full version on the weapon tips page or something like that...
Post Info Drifting @ 16:21, 29 August 2006 (EDT)
Content I'll gladly link from my site to this site in my next site update, Elite Yoshi. It'd also be appreciated if there could be a link to my site somewhere on this page (http://www.angelfire.com/crazy/drifting) though if a link wouldn't fit in in the encyclopedia that's certainly okay. I'm going to see what I can do about revising some of the weapons pages.
Post Info Elite Yoshi @17:40, 28/8/06
Content Hey guys, I may be able to help the most on the weekends or holidays, schools a drag. Its okay Randomwolf if its on the GC. I like the progress of this site. See Ya!
Post Info randomwolf1 @ 9:48, 27/8/06
Content I'm afraid I can only really help of TS3 stuff since it's the only one I have... I've unlocked everything in it though so at least I know a lot about it, but it's on the GC so I don't know about the online stuff or anything...

Do you want to have a page about each mission? Saying what objectives you need to do and stuff? Because I could probably do that =)

Post Info Xylaquin @ 9:48, 27/8/06
Content They will eventually! This wiki is still building- it says we have 118 pages but we actually have less since most of those 118 pages are half-completed character pages which i'm working on.
Post Info randomwolf1 @ 2:45, 27/8/06
Content Hey, I just joined and did a little bit of work on your Future Perfect topic... Most of the topics could do with getting a little meatier ;P
Post Info Xylaquin @ 19:55, 23/8/06
Content I can make people come here, but I decided not to. The reasons being that the more people there is, the more vandalism opportunity. Not to be snobby XD, but most people can't be bothered to properly make articles. I'd wait a while untill we start introducing people- however that's only my advice.
Post Info Elite Yoshi @ 19:39, 22/8/06
Content Hey guys, I won't be active for a while because of school, I'll try to help if I can. I'll help on the items page. I'll be active on the weekends and holidays. Hey Drifting, is therer anyway you can have a link from your site to this site? I'm just trying to get more people on this wiki. If anyone can place a link on a site to here, try to see if you can. I don't want you guys to waste money, try placing an ad on some site for free. See, ya!
Post Info Xylaquin @ 17:13, 22 August 2006
Content My holidays are over, so I won't have as much time to contribute. However I will try and make a few characters each day, or one long article if that be the case.
Post Info Drifting 23:28, 18 August 2006 (EDT)
Content Hey guys I'm new. You may know me from my site Scourge's Realm. I'll be making a few new entries and such here. Nice job so far!
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