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TS Chat

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

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== Chat ==
== Chat ==
{{Infobox Talk|
  post_info      = Xylaquin @ 15:58 2/8/06|
  post          = Cool! And once you've finished your film besure to tell us, sounds cool. I'll be going on holiday on Friday for a week, in the meantime you'll notice that i'm doing a large project on the TS1 characters.
{{Infobox Talk|
{{Infobox Talk|
   post_info      = Elite Yoshi @ 8:38 2/8/06|
   post_info      = Elite Yoshi @ 8:38 2/8/06|
   post          =  Just type down [[MediaWiki:sidebar]], thanks for all the work guys are doing. I'm starting to become productive, I done with what I been working for to start my dubs and shorts, now I'm justing waiting until me and my friends can get together to flim it. See, Ya!
   post          =  Just type down [[MediaWiki:sidebar]], thanks for all the work guys are doing. I'm starting to become productive, I done with what I been working for to start my dubs and shorts, now I'm justing waiting until me and my friends can get together to flim it. See, Ya!
{{Infobox Talk|
{{Infobox Talk|

Revision as of 14:59, 2 August 2006

Tips & Ideas


Post Info Xylaquin @ 15:58 2/8/06
Content Cool! And once you've finished your film besure to tell us, sounds cool. I'll be going on holiday on Friday for a week, in the meantime you'll notice that i'm doing a large project on the TS1 characters.
Post Info Elite Yoshi @ 8:38 2/8/06
Content Just type down MediaWiki:sidebar, thanks for all the work guys are doing. I'm starting to become productive, I done with what I been working for to start my dubs and shorts, now I'm justing waiting until me and my friends can get together to flim it. See, Ya!
Post Info Xylaquin @ 14:27 2/8/06
Content Glad you like the main page ;-), BTW how do you change the navigation bar? I've always wondered.
Post Info Elite Yoshi @ 8:05 31/7/06
Content Hey Guys, I like the new mainpage! and on the chatpage makesure it is latest to earliest... thanks. And also, I put some tip pages on the page too.
Post Info Xylaquin @ 11:09 30/7/06
Content Wow! Did everyone become a sysop or something! Nevertheless, I think you guys will like the new main page. I've made it as easy as possible to change the main features on it.
Post Info Zuxtron @ 23:31 23/7/06
Content Hi!! I'm Zuxtron, and I contribute adding info to TS1 and 2(I don't own FP.). I like the new style better, but could you organize the items? I'd prefer alphabetically, but it doesn't matter, as long as it's easier to find them.
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