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Mox Civil War
From The TimeSplitters Wiki
Revision as of 18:12, 29 July 2006
The Mox Civil War was a sub-war of the TimeSplitter War between the two types of Mox on Planet X which lasted around 50 years with 2280 at it's peak.
There were no apparent leaders in the war, the two forces: The Meezers and the Ozors battled each other to extinction. All during this, the Koozer Mox waited then took over Planet X once the war was over.
The TimeSplitters
The relation between the Mox and the TimeSplitters is unclear. In the TimeSplitters 2 mission, a spaceship is discovered, having crashed into the ground inside is the Time Crystal (easy mode) and some TimeSplitters. It is possible that when hiding the Time Crystals, the TimeSplitters sent to hide the one on Planet X got shot down and crashed into the ground, just like Hank Nova.