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Doctors say that injection won't hurt a bit, will try saying that to the guy next to me.
THe injector is a gun found in Timeplitters Future Perfect. It is a small gun that fire tranquilizer darts. If three or more hit an enemy quickly enough, the iwll inflate and explode, and the explosion hurting anyone too close. The Tranquilizer darts can be picked up if they get stuck in a wall or floor. Any player hit by any amount will begin to inflate, but it will stop if not hit enough times.While inflating from one or two hits, other darts can be put in to cause them to explode. The injector does not follow auto-aim.
== Injector ==
The Injector is a weapon that can elminate your enemy with 3 shoots. After 3 shoots, it causes your enemy to explode. This weapon is almost like a croosbow, you can always pick up your ammo from the wall if you miss the enemy. But remember, you must hit your enemy with 3, anything less will just hurt them and make their screen become blurry for a few seconds. This weapon only appears in [[TimeSplitters Future Perfect]].
== Elite's Tips ==
Only use this weapon as a backup weapon and an ownage weapon when you use it right. When you have it, don't hold the fire button, but rapidly press it so you will have a better chance of making your enemy explode,
::For more Tips, [[Weapon Tips| Visit the Weapon Tips page]]
==Noise Glitch==
The inflation sound from when a player is inflating can get stuck. It usually only happens if an inflating player is killed, but it rarely happens. The infaltion sound gets stuck in a spot, so the closer you are to it, the louder it is.
==Role in TSFP==
In the Story level You Genius, U-Genix, the injector is the only way to kill The Freaks. It is also featured in the Arcade level Chinese's recommended weaponset.
[[Category:Weapons - Other Types]]
[[Category:Weapons - Other Types]]

Revision as of 16:50, 13 August 2006

THe injector is a gun found in Timeplitters Future Perfect. It is a small gun that fire tranquilizer darts. If three or more hit an enemy quickly enough, the iwll inflate and explode, and the explosion hurting anyone too close. The Tranquilizer darts can be picked up if they get stuck in a wall or floor. Any player hit by any amount will begin to inflate, but it will stop if not hit enough times.While inflating from one or two hits, other darts can be put in to cause them to explode. The injector does not follow auto-aim.

Noise Glitch

The inflation sound from when a player is inflating can get stuck. It usually only happens if an inflating player is killed, but it rarely happens. The infaltion sound gets stuck in a spot, so the closer you are to it, the louder it is.

Role in TSFP

In the Story level You Genius, U-Genix, the injector is the only way to kill The Freaks. It is also featured in the Arcade level Chinese's recommended weaponset.

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