Travis, Lee M
From Lane Co Oregon
Lawyer; born in New York on June 20, 1874; son, Gould J. and Ella (Ford). A.B. at the Univrsity of Oregon, 1897; LL. B. Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 1900. Married, Lillian R. Baker. July 4, 1903, at Tillamook, Ore. Dir. Meadow Valley Land and Investment Co.; Secy. and Treas. Oregon-Idaho Orchard Co.; Oregon Commissioner, S.F. Fair, in 1915. Served Co. C. 2nd Ore. Vol. Inf. in Span.-Am. War in 1898. Ore. Delegate, Denver Democratic Convention, 1908; Represented State of Oregon on Notification Committee, Lincoln, in 1908. Member: Acacia Fraternity, Past: Master, Eugene Lodge, No. 11, A.F. & A.M.; Knights Templar and Shriner, Elk, Eagle, W.O.W. Chairman, Lane County Democratic Central Committee. Res: 248 W 7th; Office: 12 East 8th, Eugene, Ore.
[Franklin Harper, Ed., Who's Who on the Pacific Coast (Harper Publishing Co., L.A., California, 1913), 569]