Category:Daily Eugene Guard (1895)

From Lane Co Oregon

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Friday's Salem Journal; J. E. Baker, manager of the Goodale lumber yards in this city, was yesterday arrested by constable Beach of Woodburn, on a charge of forgery. It seems that last spring Mr. Baker signed the name of his employer, Mr. Goodale, to a bond for Messrs Plumber and Ault, who were erecting a building for Cochran, Ford and Mack, of Woodburn. When the work was finished the contractors were in debt to the Woodburn firm about $800, and now an effort is being made to hold Mr. Baker, he having signed his employers name without power of attorney. This he did in the best faith, as he is in the habit of thus signing on liens, checks, receipts, contracts, etc. Every bank in town honors a Goodale check signed by Mr. Baker, and this attempt to make him trouble is largely a bluff. Mr. Baker was placed under $200 bond by Justice Johnson yesterday, which was duly furnished. This morning the constable called for Mr. Baker before he was up and insisted upon taking him to Woodburn before he consulted an attorney, where he was again placed under $800 bond.



This mornings Register has the following concerning the Spores bridge over the Mohawk river. "We are informed by parties who came over the road yesterday that the bridge across the Mohawk, near the Yarnell place, is in a very dangerous condition, so that it is unsafe for teams to cross. Our informant states that the foundation has settled so that the bridge leans about 18 inches out of plumb at the top. The settling has loosened some of the braces, and the whole structure seems in danger of falling at any time." There is likely some mistake about the matter, as Judge Fisk informs us that no notice has been received by the county court of its unsafe condition. He also informs us that the bridge was evidently built slightly on a slant, and that in nothing out of the ordinary has happened it is in no more danger of falling at present than when it was first built; about two years ago, however, to prevent it slipping any further in the way it now leans, strong rods and braces were put in. If anything serious affected the bridge, or it was in a. dangerous condition it is very probable that the county court would receive immediate notice as the road is traveled considerably and the public can not afford to long have the road in an impassable condition, especially when knowing that by informing the court it would be speedily mended.



Myron B. Wood, of Mill Creek, was arrested this morning by deputy Marshal George Humphrey, of Portland, and brought to Eugene. Mr. Wood lives at Mill Creek on the Mohawk, about thirty miles east of Eugene, and the charge brought against him is for cutting timber on government land. The full particulars in regard to cutting the timber could not be learned. Wood was given a hearing before United States Commissioner J. J. Walton and bound over in the sum of $500, with Joel Ware as security, to appear before the United States Grand Jury at Portland.



J. C. Goodale's mill is running steady. Mr. Charles Powers has returned from California. Charles says Coburg is good enough for him. Messrs Parker and Eccles of Lost Valley were here Tuesday and offered to locate a flouring mill at this place, provided a loan of $2000 would be made to them for 5 years.



Myron B. Wood was convicted yesterday in the United States district court of cutting timber on government land. The jury deliberated upon the case 3 1/2 hours. This is the first conviction for this offence in this district in seven years.

On January 9, 1891 Wood filed a pre-emption claim on 160 acres of land on Mill Creek, in Lane county, in section 18, township 16 south, range 1 east. He never paid anything on the land, and in October, 1893, allowed his pre-emption to expire. On August 4, 1894, Wood went to the land office at Roseburg. It was charged against him that between the time his pre-emption right expired and the time of his homestead entry, and while he had no claim whatever on the land, he contracted to deliver 2,000,000 feet of timber to the Harrisburg Lumber Company, and did deliver 900,000 feet. Heretofore sympathy has played a conspicuous part in this class of cases, and acquittals have been the invariable rule. It was considered no crime to steal timber from the government. We understand that the jury recommended the defendant to the mercy of the court.



Last night about 10:30 o'clock the people of Coburg were aroused from their slumbers by the cries of 'FIRE'. It was found that a large livery stable belonging to J. A. Holt was on fire, and beyond help, as that little city has no means whereby to fight the fiery element. Willing hands managed to save the horses, and several buggies, while the balance of the populace formed a bucket brigade to save other property, and by hard work the fire was prevented from spreading to the other important buildings of the place; the only other building destroyed being Henry Philippi's barn. The following property was destroyed in Mr. Holt's barn; 2 buggies, 400 bushels of oats, 50 tons of hay, 30 of which belonged to William VanDuyn, one stage hack, 6 sets harness, 2 saddles and other minor articles used about a livery stable. In the barn two cows, some chickens and four head of hogs were burned up. Mr. Holt's loss will probably amount to $1,500; insurance $1,000 in the Norwich Union. It is thought the fire caught from a defective flue, although nothing is positively known about the matter, as when it was discovered the barn was all ablaze. A fire had been built in the stove in the evening to heat water for washing harness. Henry Phillippi's barn was also destroyed. Loss about $150; no insurance. By hard work the residences of Henry Phillippi and Mr. Holt and the large railroad warehouse were saved from destruction, although the roof of the warehouse caught fire a number of times. Sam Holt, a son of the proprietor was sleeping in the room from which the flue led. He knew nothing of the fire until his father ran from his residence near by and awakened the young man barely in time to escape with a pair of overalls on. His trunk of clothing and other possessions in the room were destroyed.

We understand Mr. Holt will rebuild and continue the business. The light from the burning building was plainly visible from Eugene. The fire was the indirect cause of almost a serious accident, happening this morning to Warren Bullis, a brakeman on the railroad. While switching he swung out from the car to get a view of the ruins and his head struck a telegraph pole knocking him unconscious. He recovered after a time but with a very sore head.



Thomas Jefferson Evans, an old and well-known resident of the Mohawk Valley, dropped dead from heart failure at his home,yesterday evening about 8 o'clock. Mr. Evans resides at his home near the Isabel post office, about 18 miles east of this city. Last evening his daughter, Miss. Minnie, in company with another young lady had crossed the Mohawk Creek, which runs close by the house, to pick some berries. While they were cutting up and playfully hallood or screamed several times, Mr. Evans heard them from the house and, thinking some trouble had befell them, hurried to the scene, greatly exerting himself in his efforts to reach them. Arriving, he found the girls all right, and sitting down on the bank of the creek, threw his hands to his breast with an exclamation which indicated he was suffering great pain. He afterwards got up, remarking that they had given him a terrible fright. The party then walked to the house. Reaching the porch, Mr. Evans stepped upon it, then suddenly threw his hands to his breast and fell to the floor dead.

Thomas Evans was born in Edgar county Illinois, June, 9, 1839, and was therefore aged 56 years, at the time of his death. He resided in that state until 15 years of age when he removed with his parents to Nebraska, living in that state until the year 1856, when he removed to Oregon. The trip was made across the plains on horseback in company with Jack Hughes and James Parrish. He served through the Rogue River Indian war under Captain King and during the Civil War was employed by the United States government as Indian scout in Idaho and Montana. In 1868 he was married to Miss. Emma Gross, of Linn county. They settled at their home on the Mohawk, where they have since lived. His wife and three children - Miss Minnie, Charles W. and Loren O. are left to mourn his death. The funeral will be held tomorrow at the Isabel cemetery at 11 a. m.



A few days ago Deputy Game Warden McClanahan made a trip up the Mohawk, at the request of a citizen who made complaint that the saw mills in that section were dumping all their sawdust into the stream. Mr. McClanahan found that every mill in that valley was violating the law, but as they promised hereafter to forbear, no arrests were made. However future violations will be prosecuted.

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