From Egs Mayhem
ChroniclerC is currently running a Munchkin game. The players are currently catldr24, Beacon, Anti-Paragon, eternaljwh, Drayco, and AlmostReadytoFly.
Link to the thread.
Link to the rules thread.
Contents |
Last updated 4/13/07
Level 1 Male Elf with no class
Effective level of 3
Five cards in hand (5 dungeon, 0 treasure)
The Other Ring
+2 Bonus
You may automatically Run Away from any combat, regardless of other cards played on you, but you lose a level. You may also use it as a Wishing Ring (i.e., to cancel a Curse), discarding it afterward.
1,000 Gold Pieces
Level 5 Male Orc Warrior
Effective level of 14
1 Card in hand (1 dungeon, 0 treasure)
Right Hand: Sword of Slaying Everything Except Squid +4
Left Hand: Funny-Looking Sword +4
Armor: Leather Armor +1
- Berserking: You may discard up to 3 cards in combat; each one gives you a +1 bonus.
- You win ties in combat
- An Orc who is hit with a curse can always choose to ignore the curse and lose a level instead - unless he's already at Level 1. - When an Orc fighting alone defeats a monster by more than 10, he goes up an extra level.
Pile of Stuff:
Potion of Apathy
Play during any combat after someone is chosen to aid in the combat. That munchkin wanders away and cannot participate; he gets back any cards he had played in the combat. Another helper may be chosen, if there are volunteers.
Usable once only.
No Value - but who cares?
Mace of Sharpness +4
Usable by Clerics only.
1 Hand - 600 Gold Pieces
Last updated 4/19/07
Level 9 Female Half-Gnome Wizard
Effective level of 21
Five cards in hand (2 dungeon, 3 treasure)
Gnome -1 to Run Away In combat alone, you may play one monster from your hand as an Illusion; cards may enhance this monster normally. Its levels add to yours for one combat only; then it vanishes. Monsters treat you as a Halfling; they are too dumb to know the difference. Exception: The Floating Nose and Shadow Nose will never pursue you.
Halfling -1 to Run Away. You may sell one item each turn for double price (other items are at normal price).
Wizard Flight Spell: Discard a card to get a +1 to fleeing. (max 3) Charm Spell: Dump hand to cancel out a monster. You get treasure, but no level.
The Occasionally Reliable Amulet
When a curse hits you, roll a die. On a roll of 1-3, the curse takes effect and the amulet is discarded. On a 4-6 the curse is blocked; discard the curse. On a 6, you also go up a level!
600 Gold Pieces
Gnomex Suit
+4 Bonus
Usable by Gnome Only
This may be worn over other armor, but if something makes you lose your armor, you lose it ALL.
Armor, 600 Gold Pieces
+3 Bonus
Usable by Wizard Only
400 Gold Pieces
Chainsaw Of Bloody Dismemberment (Attached to Poisoned)
+3 Bonus (+5 with Poisoned)
2 Hands, Big, 800 Gold Pieces
Poisoned (Attached to Chainsaw Of Bloody Dismemberment)
+2 Bonus
This card must be placed with an item that gives a level bonus.
That item is now the Poisoned (whatever), and is worth an extra +2 in combat. This card goes with the item if it is lost, stolen, or discarded. It can also be used with the Rat on a Stick to make it a +4 bonus item. Yum!
Last updated 4/14/07
Level 3 Male Dwarf Bard
Effective level of 6
One card in hand (4 dungeon, 2 treasure)
Short Wide Armor
+3 Bonus
Usable by Dwarf Only
Armor, 400 Gold Pieces
Last updated 4/13/07
Level 2 Male Gnome Warrior
Effective level of 2
Five cards in hand (5 dungeon, 0 treasure)
Sandals Of Protection
Curse cards which you draw when kicking down a door have no effect. (Curses cast by other players will still effect you.)
Footgear, 700 Gold Pieces
Last updated 12/06/07
Level 4 Male Human bard
Effective level of 12
Four cards in hand (2 dungeon, 2 treasure)
Slay Bells
+3 Bonus
Usable by Bard Only
1 Hand, 400 Gold Pieces
Pantyhose Of Giant Strength
+3 Bonus
Not usable by Warriors
600 Gold Pieces
Helm of Peripheral Vision
+2 Bonus
This helmet also gives complete immunity to thiefly powers. The wearer cannot be backstabbed, not can anything be stolen from him by a Thief.
600 Gold Pieces
Stepladder (Not equipped)
+3 Bonus
Usable by Halfing Only
Big, 400 Gold Pieces