Nod and leave with your new family

From Create Your Own Story

Fuck this shit I'm out! You don't want to spend another second with these fuckers. You get in the car and are headed to your new home.

Tammy tried making small talk with you during the drive, but all you could focus on was the fact that you were in a Range Rover. This family has money... Why did they want me? I'm nothing special...

William makes one final left, and looks at you in the rearview mirror, "You ready?" He smiles. You continue looking around, and see that you're not on a street - you're in the driveway. It takes a couple minutes to finally see the house, but when you do, your eyes widen and jaw drops.

"I think she likes it," Jesse laughs.

"This is bigger than any school I've attended..." you whisper. The car comes to a stop and everyone gets out.

"Well, now it's home." Tammy smiles. "I have some gardening to do, and William has some work to do outside as well, but I think Jesse's going inside... Feel free to stay with us or go with him." She smiles and touches your shoulder quickly, before walking around the house towards the backyard.

Go inside with Jesse

Stay outside with William and Tammy

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