Kiss his dick, then go get your cum-splattered clothes laundered

From Create Your Own Story

You bend down and give the tip of his dick a kiss, getting yourself a little taste of his cum in the process. Then you let go of his spent prick and stand up straight.

"Great game," you say. "Thanks."

He stands there, staring at you with his dick hanging out, and you saunter off wearing a fine helping of cum. You go home, and strip off your cum-splattered clothes. You take a quick shower, then change into another of your slutty outfits. Since you already have so many cum-splattered outfits lying around your apartment, you gather up all your dirty stuff and head over to the local laundromat.

The place is nearly empty. There's one guy off in a corner staring vacantly at the clothes tumbling in a dryer, but aside from him, it's deserted.

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Health Horny & Hormonal Location:

The Laundromat

MP 0
Level 1
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