User talk:Heathin

From Create Your Own Story

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(Umm, I don't know what half the stuff you write even means xD)
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Umm, wow, your writing is very...wordy xD I have the overwhelming urge for you to write a sex scene or something for me, just to see what it looks like when you are done xD --[[User:DirtyMeStoryTime|Dirty Me]] 09:48, 31 August 2016 (UTC)

Revision as of 09:48, 31 August 2016

Please make sure to include the title of the story as a category on each page you post. If you don't know how to add categories, please review the Tutorial, especially Basic page format.--Platypus

Umm, wow, your writing is very...wordy xD I have the overwhelming urge for you to write a sex scene or something for me, just to see what it looks like when you are done xD --Dirty Me 09:48, 31 August 2016 (UTC)

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