Help:Request for help

From Rpcvdraft

There are several ways to request for help. You can go to the Feedback page and add a comment. You can go to Chris Collman's talk page and put a comment/scream/note.

For the more adventuresome:

Add a help category link

On a page, add the below (copy from here and paste it at your spot. This will add it to a list

[[Category:Edit help]] 

Somebody will notice it.

Edit content help

Or you can add what is called a template in either the discussion or on the page itself in the area that needs help.

The above message can be added by copying the code below into a page. Go to the page discussion and tell the editor what kind of assistance you think is needed. Add this to create the above template.

{{Edit Help}}

Format help

You can use a format help template.

{{Format help}}

Will alter a format expert to come to your assistance.

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