Public holidays in Arëdighùan

From Eshraval Saved

There are many Public Holiday's in Arëdighùan, most are religious in nature, but there are also many secular holiday's of which the government promote. Some are counted as full holiday's and Stores and Workplaces are shut down, others are mearly promoted and celebrated, but no official order is given to shut anything down.

List of Public Holiday's in Arëdighùan

January 1st, Tilgir dag(Forgiveness or Reconcilliation Day), on the First of January every year, Arëdighùani go out and ask forgiveness to those they have wronged in the past year.

January 31st, Mordag (Mothers Day)an old Shakrihl custom to celebrate the birth of Children, and the life giving aspect of Mothers. Children are required to bring their mother a boquet of Orchids.

March 10th, Dag av Skjønnhet, (Day of Beauty) an old Sascolli holiday which celebrates the minor goddess Bandiáilleacht, who is the godess of Beauty.

March 16th, KunstFestspill, (Art Festival), due to Righ-Kesjare [NAME]'s deep love of the art, after his death, people morned his passing by producing great works of art in his memory, KunstFestspill is one of Arëdighùan Dominion era holidays.

May 22-23rd, Vinter Drar, (Winter Depart), A Shakrihl Holiday celebrating the departure of Winter, and the arrival of Spring.

June 13th, åNder av Vann, (Spirits of Water), thanks to the small amounts Sascolli still left in Arëdighùan, this holiday has gained prominance, and celebrates the coming out of the Water Spirit, Uisceban.

July 23rd, Fest av Fedre, (Celebration of Fathers), originally a Norric holiday, this one has been augmented with cultural elements from Arëdighùan's unique mix of Shakrihl and Apphillians, including a tradition of giving a father a Knverd (small dagger), to thank him for protecting the family through out the year.

August 2nd, Vår Frihet, (Our Freedom) This celebrates the downfall of the republic at the hands of the monarchist forces. The largest of the state holidays, schools and bussiness places are closed for the day, prayer services are held in various churches of any denomination around the counrty, and in every city in the nation, fireworks displays are held.

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