The Sweetest Fragrance

From Zok

The Sweetest Fragrance is one of the two Aspects donned by Lord Achio. When this Aspect is upon him, Achio appears as a gorgeous young man with dark hair and deep bronzed skin. His dark eyes burn with passionate desire, and his body is clad (if one can call it that) only in dark green leaves liberally adorned with flowers. He shimmers slightly from the pollen they breathe onto his skin, and his voice is smooth and sweet as their nectar.

The Sweetest Fragrance is named for his odor, which wafts and billows wherever he goes, filling any who inhale it with an unquenchable burning desire. Achio has been known to visit brothels or masquerade balls or even the occasional battlefield with this Aspect upon him, and delights in the disruption the subsequent orgy inevitably wreaks.

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