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Lady Aan is the daughter of Hirzek and Kiana, sworn enemy of Lord Achio, and the patron goddess of nymphs. Lady Aan is, first and foremost, the goddess of beauty. She cares not for her father's knowledge or for her mother's power, she cares only for the empty wastes of the north, which she claims are the most beautiful panoramas in existence. She doesn't give a whit for her worshippers, though she's willing to intercede on their behalf if they interest (or flatter) her. A cold and uncaring deity, she is not nearly as brutal as her parents, but is still capable of an icy cruelty if she doesn't recieve her proper due.



The Ice Princess, Lady of the Shifting Snow

  • Lesser Deity
  • Symbol:
    • A blue swirl on a white field
    • Any icicle
  • Home Plane: Asriphil, World's End
  • Alignment: Neutral
  • Portfolio:
    • Ice Princess:
    • Lady of the Shifting Snow:
  • Worshippers:
  • Cleric Alignments: Any Chaotic (Shifting Snow), Any Lawful (Ice Princess)
  • Domains:
  • Favored Weapon:
    • Ice Princess: Spear
    • Lady of the Shifting Snow: Spiked Chain


Lady Aan teaches (by example, for she doesn't much care whether or not her ideas are heeded by the rest of creation)that the highest ideal one can aspire to is beauty. Aan's clerics teach that beauty exists independent of function or of the observer, and that destruction of any work of beauty is the highest crime imaginable. Each of Aan's two Aspects is an incarnation of her perception of beauty: the beauty that is regal and unchanging and eternal, and the beauty which is careless and whimsical and ephemeral.

Clergy and Temples

Ice Princess

Temples to the Ice Princess are generally only found in frozen environments. They are carved into the sides of mountains or glaciers, their architects striving for beauty above all else. Impossible and perfect arches and towers are the usual form, and if it weren't for their frigid appearance Aan's temples would resemble sumptious palaces. Lady Aan has few enemies, and her servants are known for beauty and a cold inhospitable attitude, so the temples don't get many visitors. Those who do harm to the caretakers often suffer horrible fates in the wilderness, and many superstitious tribes won't approach a temple to the Ice Princess without dire need.

Lady of the Shifting Snow

There are no temples to the Lady of the Shifting Snow. That would ruin the point: the wilderness is her temple, the gray winter sky the roof of her cathedral, the horizon her walls. Isolated shrines, temporary arrangements of silver or ice or glass, are sometimes set up by travellers in the northlands who desire Aan's favorable shadow across their voyage, but these shrines recieve no offerings and are usually buried in snow and ice within weeks.





Relevant Myths

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