Kralthos Dur Heiron

From Zok

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Son of Gulzek and Hakra the Chainbreaker, Kralthos succeeded his mother as Heiron over four hundred years ago, and has ruled since then. His face is printed on one side of Pallonian coins, his holy symbol on the other. He is widely acknowledged as a demigod, and there are shrines to the Heiron located all over the country, often inside temples to his father. He has performed several miracles, but reminds his followers often that while divine blood burns in his veins, someday it will consume him entirely.

Kralthos hasn't indicated any agenda other than the best possible lives for the citizens of Pallon, but his tenure has been strained by the rise of Nere to the east.



The Heiron

  • Demigod
  • Symbol: The Seal of Pallon
    • Any object given as a reward for a good act by the Heiron
  • Home Plane: Asriphil, Insert City Name Here
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Portfolio: Pallon, Justice, Ben Affleck, Governance, Half-Elves
  • Worshippers: Citizens of Pallon, Human Paladins, Half-Elves
  • Cleric Alignments: NG, LG, LN
  • Domains: Heroism,Nobility
  • Favored Weapon: Longsword


Clergy and Temples




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