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Neru was an elven noble of Salturni (now in Pallon), a powerful mage who fought long and hard against the Cerneen and their Bantling allies during the Expulsion. After decades of war, his hatred for his enemies had hardened into a frozen knife, and Hirzek slowly began to creep into his nightmares. He studied darker and darker arts in an effort to defeat the encroaching armies of his enemies, and defeat them he did once the Night's Eye began to whisper the secrets of animating the dead in his mind. When the Expulsion ended and Gulzek appointed a Bantling to rule all the lands of what is now Pallon, Neru rebelled against the fledgeling nation, hurling all his necromantic might against the new Heiron as she was constructing her fortress west of Godsgate. He was defeated by Dimitri Greeneye, the Heiron's most loyal warlord, and went into hiding in the mountains of Salturni for thirty years with his followers. When he emerged, he wore a broken symbol of Hirzek upon his pale brow, and carried his own heart in his right hand. He set about the construction of his nation of the dead. He claimed to have forgiven the Bantlings and the Cerneen, and invited them to join him in the eternal utopia he would build in the east.

As time went on it became obvious that Neru has experienced some sort of revelation, and that he could accomplish magics far beyond the power of any mortal sorcerer. A small coterie of his followers became devoted enough to investigate further, to obey his teachings while simultaneously seeking the source of Neru's inspiration. They were surprised to find that as their devotion to Neru strengthened they were able to channel magical energy just like those who followed gods. When they confronted Neru about it he merely chuckled and granted them positions of power in his slowly-forming nation, thanking them for their devotion. While Neru has never proclaimed his godhood, he's never denied it either, and temples in his name have sprung up all over Nere. Neru shared the secret of lichdom with his country, and designed the ritual currently used to strengthen the flames of those citizens who are deemed worthy of undeath but do not have the ability to cast spells themselves. He has not, however, shared the secret of his ascension to divinity, and he never discusses what he and Hirzek said to each other during the thirty years he spent in the mountains.



The High Councillor

  • Demigod
  • Symbol: A heart clutched in a white fist
  • Any phylactery or any object which contains the soul of a sentient creature
  • Home Plane: Asriphil, Nere
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Portfolio: Liches, Necromancy, Magic, Secrets, Nere
  • Worshippers: Liches, Necromancers, Citizens of Nere
  • Cleric Alignments: LN, N, LE, NE
  • Domains: Deathbound, Oracle
  • Favored Weapon: Longsword


Neru doesn't preach a religion so much as he preaches the pursuit of knowledge. He's never admitted to being a god (publicly, anyway), but the fact that temples have been raised to worship him can't have escaped his attention. Neru teaches his pupils (most of whom are now his most powerful clerics) to seek knowledge through any means available. He's fond of pointing out that there is far more knowledge in the world than even an elf could learn if he studied for the entirety of his life. He's also fond of pointing out that the undead have an eternity in which to study. He doesn't actually say anything further, he lets his followers make the subtle mental connection between the two facts on their own.

Clergy and Temples


  • Hirzek? -It's unknown what transpired between them, but Neru has admitted to meeting Hirzek on several occasions. The fact that Neru is able to tell the story indicates that Hirzek let him do so.


  • All of Nere


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