
From Zok

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The son of Kiana and a particularly disturbed orcish explorer, Irtalk spent his childhood avoiding other children in a crowded northern city. He spent his teenage years avoiding people in the wilderness. He spent his adulthood avoiding his divine heritage. He's spending his divinity avoiding other gods. He's gotten very good at it. And, somewhere in the loneliness, he went just a little bit insane. Irtalk is loneliness incarnate, and has only been encountered by mortals when he has taken up his Aspect as the Mind Render. Since his ascension to full divinity, only one god has managed to interrupt his solitude, though he is still at his mother's mercy when he sleeps.



The Mind Render

  • Demigod
  • Symbol: A white dot on a gray field
  • Home Plane: Sky Mirror, The Lonely Tower
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Empty Wastes, Loneliness, Paranoia, Fear, Madness
  • Worshippers: Wendigos, Madmen, Certain Hermits
  • Cleric Alignments: CE, NE, LE, N
  • Domains: Madness, Mentalism
  • Favored Weapon: Kukri


Clergy and Temples




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