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Monsos is one of the Wild Gods, the first intelligent creations of Zokthis. He is brother, nemesis, and consort to Uraine. He is also the younger brother of Tyani and Vornik. Monsos is the storm-god, ruler of the chaotic frenzy of the tempest. He is a carefree god, and cares little for the adulation of mortal worshippers. Monsos, along with each of the other Wild Gods and the War Gods, was granted the right to form a race of worshippers. Monsos chose to create the dragons, imbuing each with the fury of a different aspect of his own perfected fury. He is their patron god, as well as that of archers (Monsos invented the first bow) and of musicians. On several occasions Monsos has deigned to visit Asriphil, and on every one of them he left bastard children imbued with some semblance of the fury of the storm. These children often went on to become great leaders of their people, and many chieftains among the tribes of the Wellian Isles trace their ancestry to the Windplayer.



The Big One, The Tempest Unfettered, The Windplayer

  • Greater Deity
  • Symbol: Thunderbolt, any rock struck by lightning
  • Home Plane: The Mount of Ten Thousand Thunders, The Wild Sea
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Portfolio: Storms, Dragons, Weather, Archery
    • The Big One: Destruction, Rage, Thunder, Barbarians
    • Tempest Unfettered: Chaos, Courage, Agility, Passion, Revelry, Rain
    • Windplayer: Air, Bards, Daring, Humor, Music, Wind, Sailors
  • Worshippers: Sailors, Dragons, Bards, Barbarians, Archers
  • Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, CE
  • Domains: Strength
    • The Big One: Storm, Water, Air
    • Tempest Unfettered: Liberation, Chaos, Storm
    • Windplayer: Air, Weather, Charm, Storm
  • Favored Weapon:
    • Big One: Claw
    • Tempest Unfettered: Longbow
    • Windplayer: Horn


Monsos, wild and uncaring as he is, does not do much in the way of ordering his followers about in the majority of his Aspects. He is worshipped far more often by those who fear his uncaring power (especially at sea) than by those who share his ideals and wish to emulate them. As The Big One (primarily worshipped in the Wellian Isles), Monsos is simply a mindless and uniquely ferocious storm, and teaches nothing but that mindlesness. He is worshipped far more frequently as the Tempest Unfettered, the Aspect in which he created the dragons and the god of freedom (as well as archery). The Tempest Unfettered is worshipped by any who fear or hate confinement or restriction, or by those who strive to emulate his thunderbolts with their arrows. Monsos' youngest Aspect, and the Aspect most frequently worshipped by humanoids, is that of the Windplayer. A deific manifestation of chaotic grace, the Windplayer promotes revelry of all sorts, and Monsos has fathered many of the world's finest musicians in this aspect, including Rin himself.

Clergy and Temples

The Big One

The Tempest Unfettered

The Windplayer



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