Super Sam accidentally the entire Wiki User Wiki.

Irrational Researchings/Strong Rad

From Wuw Archive


Userpage Exerpt

My fanstuffs.



  • Almost never signs his posts.
  • Noobish.
  • Doesn't get some jokes.
  • Makes rule breaking fanstuffs. Despite this, not all of them break rules.

Misc. Info

  • Cannot stand it when people dictate over his collab fanstuff.


  • He's A HUGE NOOB but still awesome Pastor Pastor Raiku is Gay 23:17, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
  • He doesn't quite... get it, just yet, but I have some hope left in my wizened, cynical, pitch-black heart. SkullBSZI8 01:19, 15 February 2009 (UTC)
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