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Homechat Gamer RPG

From Wuw Archive

Homechat Gamer RPG is a fake game with the concept idea by Strong Rad. If this were real, the player could've played as Homechat, Ninja Pom Pom, Mulzipan, and possibly Coach D and Strong Grad to defeat the villains, Strong Rad, The Exact Same, and Strong Had.



  • Homechat Gamer
  • Ninja Pom Pom
  • Mulzipan
  • Coach D
  • Strong Grad


  • Strong Rad
  • The Exact Same
  • Strong Had
  •  ???


  • A Giant Ant - Attacks: Stomp (makes you lose one turn), Antenna Whack
  • A Mouse with Giant Armor - Attacks: Baseball, Giant Can, Good Breakfast (restores their own HP)
  • Homsar - Attacks: Hatmerang, Teleport (makes him invincible for one turn), AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAa!, Pshoo! (makes all attacks stronger)
  • Strong Rad (it's a platformer type battle) - Attacks: Summon The Exact Same, Summon Strong Had, DELETED! (restores his own HP), Boxing Gloves Punch
  • Viruru - Attacks: Virus (could be anything)
  • Ninja Red Pom - Attacks: Shuriken, Katana, Kunai (each leaves you with half your current HP, no matter what), and Teleport (makes him invincible for one turn)

Other NPCs (these guys I made up)

  • Fake Homechat (gives hints)
  • Tuns (gives important items)
  • Homcat (makes you solve riddles to pass by him)
  • Some Kinda Robot (makes you play a minigame)

Box Art (also fake)

Image:HGRPG Cover with Background Included.png

Screenshots (also also fake)

Walkthrough (something real for something fake?)

Level 1: Tuns's Small Business Stand (How can I service you?)

  • Talk to Tuns. You'll receive a Hammer, your first weapon. (worth 9 points)
    • Tuns: I don't know if that'll help you defeat Strong Rad, but at least it'll help you here.
  • Use the Hammer on the Tiny Ant near the Small Business Stand. Turns out it was a magic hammer that made the ant grow. (worth 11 points)
  • Boss: A Giant Ant (worth 10 points if you defeat it)
  • Robot's Minigame: Vine Swing/Croc Jump - You have to swing on vines to the finish while eluding crocodiles. (worth 20 points)
  • Secret Clothing: Boxing Gloves (worth 5 points) (found by using the Magic Hammer on Tuns's Small Business Stand)
    • You found Boxing Gloves! Now your hands are visible!
  • Secret Card 1: A Ninja Pom Pom (Pom) card from the Ninja Pom Pom Trading Card series (worth 5 points) (found by digging near the Tiny Ant)
  • By the end of Level 1 you should have 50 of 500 points if you have completed the secrets, and 60 of 500 if you have collected them. Ninja Pom Pom will join you from this point.

Level 2: Coach D's Office (Time for Tasteball!)

  • Talk to Tuns. He'll give you a Tennis Racket. (worth 10 points)
  • Use the Hammer on the Nail Sticking Out. A Disturbed Mouse will come out. (worth 20 points)
  • Use the Hammer on the Disturbed Mouse. This time, it'll grow smarter and turn all the lockers except the secret containing one into a Giant Armor. (worth 10 points)
  • Look into the secret locker. You'll get a Homestar's Extra Propeller. (worth 5 points) The Mouse will use the last locker remaining.
  • Boss: A Mouse with Giant Armor (worth 20 points if you defeat it)
  • Secret Card 2: A Ninja Pom Pom (human) card from the Ninja Pom Pom Trading Card series (worth 5 points) (found in the showers)
  • Robot's Minigame: Locker Lockout - You have to memorize the numbers of the combination in order. (worth 30 points)
  • By the end of Level 2 you should have 130 of 500 points if you have completed the secrets, and 150 of 500 if you have collected them. Coach D will join you from this point.

Level 3: The Home-Cousins' House (Homechat! Game! Game!)

  • Talk to Tuns. He'll give you a Boxing Gloves with Lazer Attatchments. (worth 30 points)
  • Talk to Homestar. He'll tell you that Homcat is missing. (worth -10 points)
  • Talk to Fake Homechat. He'll give you a hint about Homcat's locations. (worth 10 points)
  • Find Homcat and talk to him. He'll have you solve a riddle, and if you get it right, he'll leave the location and give you a Robot Boots. (worth 10 points for finding him, worth another 15 for solving his riddle)
  • Boss: Homsar (worth 20 points for defeating him)
  • Secret Card 3: The Ninja Pom Pom (Pokemon) card from the Ninja Pom Pom Trading Card Series (worth 5 points)
  • Robot's Minigame: Rodgor! (must beat at least 9 levels to get the 20 points it's worth)
  • By the end of Level 3 you should have 225 of 500 points if you have completed the secrets and 240 of 500 points if you have collected them.

Level 4: Storybook Universe (The Homechat Gamer Finds a Weird Portal)

  • Talk to Tuns. He'll give you a Rodgor!. (worth 30 points)
  • Have Rodgor! crush Mr. Bland and SeƱor Havin' A Little Trouble. (worth 10 points)
  • No boss here!
  • Secret Clothing: Jetpack (worth 50 points) (found on The Robot ((not Some Kinda Robot)))
  • Secret Card 4: The Ninja Pom Pom (Kirby) Card of the Ninja Pom Pom Trading Card Series (worth 5 points) (found in the pile of grapes)
  • Robot's Minigame: The Strongest Man in the World Contest - You must keep your grapes up the longest. (worth 15 points)
  • By the end of Level 4 you should have 280 of 500 points if you have completed the secrets and 350 of 500 points if you have collected them.

Level 5: Strong Rad's House (UNDELETED!)

  • Talk to Virus The Exact Same. (worth 30 points)
  • Talk to Virus Strong Had. (worth 20 points)
  • Go to the Snap Shaq and put on all the secret clothing. (worth 50 points)
  • Boss: Strong Rad (worth 50 points)

Final Level: Attack of the Virus (Viruru Unleashed!)

  • Team up with Strong Rad, The Exact Same, and Strong Had.
  • Boss: Viruru (worth an extra 100 points) (only available after getting all 500 points)

Bonus Level: Ninja Pom World! (Ninja Pom Pom, Too)

  • Talk to Ninja Red Pom. (worth 50 points)
  • Boss: Ninja Red Pom (worth 150 points if you beat him)
  • Robot's Minigame: You vs. Pom - Beat three Ninja Poms in a race. (worth 200 points)
  • If you have all 500 of 500 points plus the extra 100 points, this level should give you another 400 points with a total of 1000 points.

Bad Ending

HOMECHAT: I guess you weren't the real villain after all?





{The words "The End...for Now" appear on the screen.}

Good Ending

HOMECHAT: If it was that "scary guy", then what part did you take?

STRONG RAD: I was trying to warn you guys.

THE EXACT SAME: {translated} I hear there's this new game at the Home-Cousins' House.

HOMECHAT: I know. Wanna play?


{The credits scroll up and then the words "You did it!" "You saved Free Island!" appear, and it cuts to a blue screen saying "You unlocked Extended Play!" and "You unlocked Others Play!".}


  • If you have all four NPP Trading Cards, you can put them together to form a new area: Ninja Pom World!. That's all I'm going to tell you about that.
    • If you beat the bonus level, you will unlock Raiku.
  • After you defeat Viruru, extended play will be unlocked, and Play as the Other Characters will be unlocked.
  • During the credit roll, you are able to play a bonus level of Rodgor!

Extended Play Changes

  • In Ninja Pom World!, you are able to play as Ninja Pom Pom.
  • Your Secret Clothing is wearable throughout the rest of the game.
  • Strong Rad and his friends are now just NPCs.

Other versions

Fun Facts

Inside References

  • Strong Rad and Ninja Pom Pom are wiki users on this wiki.

Real World References

  • Homechat Gamer RPG is a combination reference to Peasant's Quest and Final Fantasy.

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