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Ethan and Dolan/Christmas

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Snow falls from the bove

Ethan, Dolan, Will and the rest each celebrate christmas in their own way....



{fade from black to a winter sky, snowflakes are falling and in the distance christmasy church bells can be heard. They grow louder and louder as the "An Ethan & Dolan Christmas" logo appears on screen. The bells fade out as an upbeat christmas melody begins. The camera pans down to Will's front door. It swings open, and Will jumps out}

WILL: {singing} Christmas time! Christmas time!
Time for all the bells to chime!
And now I very gladly say,
Christmas is just a day away!

{jumps from his front porch and begins to bounce down the street, the camera follows him as he passes the houses}

WILL: {singing} Christmas time! Christmas time!
More than just a simple rhyme!
Everything is a-okay,
With Christmas just a day away!

{pan to Dolan's window, zoom in with Dolan waking up in bed}

DOLAN: {singing with a different melody} With Christmas just hours away,
My mind is filled with memories, my heart is filled with joy and cheer!
And I shall stay this way.
But how will Ethan ever know the glories of this time of year?

{pan to a vent in Dolan's room and zoom into it, after a few quick turns, the camera ends up in Ethan's room}

ETHAN: {singing, a darker melody} For 3 years now he's stalked my christmas night,
Filling me with oh such yule tide fright!
But this year things are gonna change!
This year things are gonna rearrange!
Cause this year I am taking Santa down!

{Zoom out of Ethan's window and down onto the street, straight into Mick's house, where he is standing in a bathroom shaving}

MICK: {singing, also different} What a waste of a day.
What a pointless holiday.
It just won't leave me be.
And with this year we shall see!

{pan out the door and back down to Will bouncing around the streets}

WILL: {singing, original melody} Christmas time, Christmas time!
Where celebrating is no crime!
My tree remains on into May!
Christmas is just a day away!

{Will stops bouncing, Dolan, Ethan and Mick gather around him, each singing their previous christmas tune}

WILL: {singing} Christmas time! Christmas time!
Time for all the bells to chime!
And now I very gladly say,
Christmas is just a day away!

Christmas time! Christmas time!
More than just a simple rhyme!
Everything is a-okay,
With Christmas just a day away!

DOLAN: {with Will, singing} With Christmas just hours away,
My mind is filled with memories, my heart is filled with joy and cheer!
And I shall stay this way.
But how will Ethan ever know the glories of this time of year?

ETHAN: {with the others, singing} For 3 years now he's stalked my christmas night,
Filling me with oh such yule tide fright!
But this year things are gonna change!
This year things are gonna rearrange!
Cause this year I am taking Santa down!

MICK: {same, singing} What a waste of a day.
What a pointless holiday.
It just won't leave me be.
And with this year we shall see!

ALL: {except for Osvaldo, singing} With Christmas just a day away!

{quick pan to Osvaldo's front door, he stands there}

OSVALDO: {speaking} Feliz Navidad.

{music ends}

Scene 1 - Dolan's Attempt

MICK: {to the group} Alright then. Now that that bull fest is over, I'm going back home where the is none of this Christmas business... {walks off}

WILL: Wh... what? {follows after him worried}

{Ethan begins to walk back into the house, Dolan notices him}

DOLAN: Hey Ethan, wait!

ETHAN: What!?

DOLAN: You.... you wanna make a snowman?

ETHAN: {looks back, laughs, and walks inside the house}

DOLAN: {rejected} Oh, all right then. {sighs} I'll just... make my own snowman. Yeah! {begins to gather snow}

OSVALDO: {walks up} ¿Qué se pasa?

DOLAN: Oh hey Osvaldo, you wanna help me finish this snowman?

OSVALDO: ¿Snow... man? No, no quiero.

DOLAN: Great! Then this'll be fun.


DOLAN: Yes I know. Alright then you go gather some now for the torso, and I'll work on the bottom.

OSVALDO: {sighs, begins to gather snow}

Scene 2 - Will Confronts Mick

WILL: {bouncing off} Mick! Mick! {chases after him}

MICK: What could you possibly want from me?

WILL: What was it you said back there?

MICK: What do you mean?

WILL: {lands in front of Mick} You hate Christmas?

MICK: {scoffs. Pushes around Will}

WILL: Now wait just a second. {follows} You can't just hate Christmas.

MICK: Well, I do. {turns around, snaps} And I fail to see how that's any of your business!

WILL: Well.... well it's not!

MICK: {scoffs again. Turns around and walks off}

WILL: {following} But what I don't get is wh... why?

MICK: {reaches his front door. Opens it, and looks back at Will.} Bah humbug. {slams door shut}

WILL: Hmmm.

Scene 3 - Ethan's Plan

{cut to Ethan's room. He stands at his desk with blueprints layed out}

ETHAN: {very serious} Alright, Ethan. Tonight is Christmas Eve. When the menace "Santa Claus" will be coming down your very chimney. It's up to you to rid the world of such a monster. When Santa comes down into the fireplace tonight, I shall show him all the pain and torment he's caused the world. Tonight will be Santa's last Christmas.

Scene 4 - Will & Mick

{cut to inside Mick's house. He sits in an arm chair, reading an unlabeled book. An unlit fireplace sits behind him. Suddenly, a rumbling is heard and a cloud of ash falls from the chimney.}

MICK: What the-?

{the ash clears and Will leaps out of the fireplace dressed as Santa Claus}

WILL: Ho ho ho!

MICK: ...What are you doing now?

WILL: Mick! It's me! Santa Claus!

MICK: ...No. You're Will.

WILL: I've come to remind you of the true meaning of Christmas!

MICK: Oh god. Get out of my house.

WILL: Now, Mick. A little birdy told me you've lost all your Christmas spirit!

MICK: ...what?

WILL: So, Mick. When was it exactly you lost your Christmas love?

MICK: Will, seriously. You should really look into all the facts...

WILL: Oh ho! But come with me and I'll-

MICK: I'm not even Christian!

WILL: -show you all the.... What?

MICK: I'm Jewish.

WILL: ...oh.

MICK: ...yeah.


WILL: Well this is awkward.


MICK: Now get outta my house.


WILL: Alright then. {leaves}

MICK: {sighs. Continues to read}

Scene 5 - Night Falls

{cut to a shot of the winter horizon. The sun is setting}

DAVEY: Shortly after, night fell across the land. And the world began to sleep. {pan across to Dolan's house. A light is on into Ethan's window.} But one little cyclops was still very much awake}

{cut to inside Ethan's room. He stares out the window ito a telescope}

ETHAN: C'mon. Any minute now. {the twelve a clock bell tolls} It's time.

{cut to back outside. A star twinkles in the distance. Suddenly, Santa's sleigh appears from nowhere and flies closer and closer to the screen. He lands on Dolan's rooftop, steps out of his sleigh and climbs down the chimney. Inside the house, he lands in the fireplace and steps out, holding a present. He begins to set it under the tree.}

ETHAN: {offscreen} Hello, Santa.

SANTA: {looks up} E.... Ethan?

{Suddenly, a trap door opens beneath him and Santa falls through. He lands in a dark room. We can barely see him in the dim room.}

SANTA: Uff! Hello? Is Anyone there?

{The room becomes filled with light and we see the room is now filled with Mirrors. All with reflected images of Ethan.}

ETHAN: {through all the reflections} Hello again, Santa. It's me, Ethan.

SANTA: Ethan. Wh... What are you doing?

ETHAN: I've finally caught you Santa, you will torture the world no longer.

SANTA: Torture the world? What are you-

ETHAN: Quiet! You've done enough talking.

SANTA: But where are you?

ETHAN: In here!

{Without noticing, Santa has walked into a doorway. He turns around, with Ethan staring right at him, ready to slam the door. The mirrors have dissapeared, and it appears that Santa has wondered into the living room closet}

ETHAN: I'm doing the world a favor! {begins to shut the door}

SANTA: Wait! I only wanted to make the world happy.

ETHAN: {confused} You what?

SANTA: I fly around the world every Christmas Eve and give presents to all the good little children!

ETHAN: {ashamed} ...oh.

SANTA: And I've brought a very special gift for you this year, Ethan.

ETHAN: Really!?

Scene 6 - Christmas Morning

{cut to the winter horizon. The sun rises. The "Morning Song" plays. Pan to Will's house. Cut to inside Will's bedroom. He wakes up}

WILL It's Christmas! Merry Christmas everyone!

{cut to Dolan's bedroom, he wakes up}

DOLAN: {sighs} Christmas morning! {mumbling can be heard offscreen} What the? What is that?

{cut to in front of the closet. The mumbling is louder. Dolan walks up.}

DOLAN: Hello?

SANTA: {mumbled through the closet} In here!

DOLAN: {opens the closet door} Hello?

SANTA: You have to help me! I'm-

ETHAN: Hyah! {kicks the door shut angrilly, holding a pair of tube socks.}

DOLAN: Ethan! What's going on?

ETHAN: That jerk gave me a pair or tube socks! TUBE SOCKS! I was wrong about him. He's not a menace! He's a moron! {storms off}

DOLAN: {pause. Follows after}

{cut to outside on the front lawn. Osvaldo has fallen asleep on Dolan looking Snowman. Pan to Ethan, Dolan, Will and Mick walking down the street}

WILL: Well, Merry Christmas everybody!

ETHAN: Yeah whatever.

DOLAN: Merry Christmas, Mick.

MICK: ...Does no one know anything about me?

WILL: Er... Well I just can't wait for next year! I'm thinkin' gift exchange!

ETHAN: Fine. As long as tube socks are against the rules.

WILL: Done.

{the camera begins to travel upwards}

DOLAN: Well then, I guess all that's left to do is wait for New Years.

MICK: God I hate that day too.

WILL: How can you hate New Years?

MICK: Err. You know what I love New Years! Yay New Years!

{Santa rushes out of the chimney and into his sleigh. The fly off the roof and into the distance}

WILL: Alright then.

ETHAN: Okay, this sucks. I'm going home. Merry freakin' Christmas!

MICK: {sighs}

{the screen goes black}

MICK: I'm so tired of this show.


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